10 Home Remedies For Bruises

Apple cider vinegar is good for blood circulation. Apply it to the affected area with a light massage. Thus, it helps to loosen the blood that is trapped under the skin.
10 Home Remedies For Bruises

Bruising, also known as hematomas, is formed when blood accumulates below the surface of the skin. They usually appear after a blow or bruise somewhere on the body. We’ve all had one of these, so we all know how painful and annoying they can be. That is why in this article we show you  10 home remedies that work against bruises. They are therefore simple, effective and natural!

Home remedies for bruises

1. Arnica Root

Arnica root is one of the most effective and popular products for bruises of all kinds. It is an effective addition to an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. This is because it is rich in gallic acid, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid, as well as helenalin and dihydrohelenalin.

2. Ice cream

Ice for bruises

Another popular remedy for bruises and bumps in general is ice. Ice is effective because the cold causes blood vessels beneath the skin’s surface to constrict, which reduces inflammation. It also numbs the affected area and helps prevent the bruise from getting worse. It is important that you apply an ice pack as soon as possible after a bruise.

3. Salt

Salt is a good choice for bruise control. Apply some salt to the affected area where the lymphatic fluid is building up under the skin. That will reduce the inflammation and absorb the pain.

4. Onions

Sliced ​​Onion

Onions are another option. When you start to bruise, apply a layer of onion to the affected area. Alliinase, the same substance that makes our eyes water when we cut this vegetable, also helps stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid and prevents blood from pooling under the skin. You should apply the onion as soon as possible after bumping into something.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Pour some apple cider vinegar on a bit of gauze, apply it to the bruise and then massage it gently. This stimulates circulation around the surface of the skin. As a result, the blood that has collected underneath dissolves again.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is used for all kinds of bumps and injuries, especially burns. Apply it on the bruised area and you will see that it does not turn purple or at least less purple. Allowing the gel to cool before applying will also reduce pain and, of course, inflammation.

7. Parsley

When a bruise appears, finely chop a few sprigs of parsley and apply to the affected area. Parsley has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that will help relieve the pain. Parsley is also used to reduce joint swelling.

8. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a very popular plant in Japan and China. This shrub possesses properties that can reduce inflammation and relieve pain after a stroke. To do this, you make a tea with the leaves of this plant, which you then apply to the affected area with a damp cloth.

9. Garlic


Garlic is also excellent for healing bruises. Since it is a powerful antioxidant , you can apply a little fresh garlic juice to the bruise. It will thus promote the growth of new tissue. Eating garlic is of course also good for your health.

10. Potatoes

Finally, potatoes contain a substance called catalaseThis promotes healthy cellular growth and reduces pain and inflammation.  Place a small piece of potato on the bruise and leave it there for a few minutes.

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