10 Leukemia Symptoms We Usually Overlook

Some of these symptoms can also be a result of less serious conditions. But if you’re concerned, see a medical professional for a checkup. If you have leukemia, that doctor can make a diagnosis in time.
10 Leukemia Symptoms We Usually Overlook

Leukemia  is a term that refers to the type of cancer that affects the tissues that make up the blood in the body. The white blood cells are immediately affected. Because the characteristic of this type of cancer is that not enough healthy white blood cells are produced. The big problem, however, is that we usually overlook the symptoms of leukemia, with the result that we don’t make the correct diagnosis in time.

Blood cells are an important part of the body’s defense mechanisms. They grow and split according to the needs of the body.

But in leukemia patients, the bone marrow produces blood cells in an irregular way. So there is the production of white blood cells, but they fail to protect the body because they are damaged.

As the cancer progresses, complications arise in the production of other blood cells, such as red blood cells or platelets.

At that stage, anemia and bleeding become severe. In addition, it also increases the risk of other types of infections.

But most disturbingly, many people don’t know the symptoms of leukemia or mistake them for something else. This makes early diagnosis difficult.

That’s why we’d like to give you a complete list of the ten clinical signs you should not ignore.

Symptoms of Leukemia

1. Purple or Red Spots on the Skin

Symptoms of Leukemia Spots on the Skin

In the medical world this is called petechiae. They are reddish or purple spots that occur in clusters. They usually appear on the chest, back and arms.

They occur when the blood clots and can no longer flow normally. People often confuse them with rashes.

2. Bone or Joint Pain

There are many diseases that cause bone and joint pain. But in the case of leukemia, the pain is a result of the build-up of damaged white blood cells.

Patients feel a sharp or dull pain. The severity of this pain varies depending on the area affected.

3. Headache

Headaches are one of the most ignored symptoms of leukemia. This symptom is especially present in cases of acute leukemia. This form is often severe and of long duration.

The headache occurs because blood flow to the brain and spine is restricted. This symptom is similar to what happens with migraines. But in migraine, the blood vessels constrict.

4. Swollen Glands

When leukemia interferes with and damages the production of white and red blood cells, the body’s ability to respond to infections weakens.

This situation changes the inflammatory processes. This leads to swollen glands and lymph nodes, or to small painless lumps that are blue or purple in color.

5. Weakness and fatigue

Symptoms of Leukemia Weakness and Fatigue

When you feel weak or fatigued, leukemia is not the first thing that comes to mind. But you should not take these signals lightly because they can also be symptoms of leukemia.

The drop in healthy red blood cells affects the body’s ability to carry oxygen and nutrients. As a result, anemia and chronic fatigue occur.

6. Unusual Bleeding

Any type of unusual and unexplained bleeding can be a clear sign of leukemia. The lower amount of platelets affects the clotting of the blood. As a result, the body becomes more sensitive to bleeding.

7. Fever and Frequent Infections

Symptoms of Leukemia Fever and Infections

Any form of leukemia weakens the immune system. This system will therefore no longer be able to respond to the germs that cause infections.

As a result, leukemia patients experience constant bouts of fever and respiratory infections such as the flu.

The main reason is that the cancerous blood cells stop the white blood cells from fighting viruses and bacteria.

8. Unexplained Weight Loss

This is similar to what happens with other types of cancer. Leukemia patients can lose an alarming amount of weight for no apparent reason.

It can also be a result of extreme fatigue and loss of appetite. Because the latter is also a symptom that these patients can suffer from.

9. Breathlessness

Symptoms of Leukemia Respiratory Distress

Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing is a result of the decreased oxygen supply in the cells. This is due to the disruption of blood flow.

Some people experience that they are unable to catch their breath again. Others may feel that they are unable to breathe properly.

10. Abdominal Pain or Bloating

When leukemia spreads, it can cause swelling in the liver or spleen. The result is a recurring abdominal pain or bloating in the area just below the rib cage.

Some patients even feel a slight pain in the lower back or experience nausea, vomiting and changes in bowel function.

In recent years, the treatment of leukemia has made significant progress. But a large part of the success of treatment depends on the early detection of the cancer.

For that reason, you really need to pay attention to all the signals that we have listed in this article. It is very important, even though they may be the result of a less serious problem.

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