12 Foods To Strengthen Your Liver

Optimizing your liver function can be as simple as adding some ideal foods to your diet and giving up harmful habits such as smoking and drinking. Give these healthy foods a try!
12 Foods to Strengthen Your Liver

The liver is the second largest organ in the human body and your life and health depend on it. Your body eliminates toxins through your liver and filters your blood, keeping harmful components from affecting other parts in your body. Today we will tell you about the best foods to strengthen your liver.

The importance of your liver

Liver function

You may be underestimating your liver and thinking it’s just “another organ,” along with your lungs, stomach, and heart. However, its job is just as important as pumping your blood or oxygen.

  • Your liver has the tough job of eliminating toxins that build up in your body. This means that your body stays clean thanks to your liver. Problems arise when it is overloaded: when it has too much ‘waste’ to process, the organ becomes polluted and can no longer perform its task. This results in various diseases and symptoms.
  • Your liver is also responsible for producing bile, another way of detoxifying your body and extracting fat and protein from the food you consume. If the organ is not working properly, your body has no way of cleaning itself or absorbing nutrients.
  • Your eyes, brain, heart and kidneys depend on your liver function. Your blood has to get rid of alcohol and medication.
  • It plays an important role in destroying diseased red blood cells, breaking down insulin and hemoglobin, as well as storing vitamins and minerals.

Now you can see why it is called the most important organ in the body.

Foods to strengthen your liver

Maintaining a healthy diet is important to allow your liver to work less and thus be more efficient at eliminating toxins and breaking down fats.

The first symptoms that appear when your liver is overloaded are:

  • Headache
  • Weight gain
  • Bad breath
  • fatigue
  • Allergies
  • Food allergies

Here are some of the foods we recommend to prevent these problems and strengthen your liver:



Garlic is good for you, in many ways. To name a few, it contains sulfur, which activates your liver enzymes and speeds up the process of eliminating toxins.

It also contains allicin and selenium, nutrients that protect your liver and aid in detoxification.


Grapefruit is a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Both are necessary for cleansing your liver.

This fruit also stimulates the production of enzymes and supports liver function, while speeding up the burning of fat instead of your body storing it.


Lentils are one of the best legumes to strengthen your liver, thanks to their high levels of an amino acid called arginine.

This component helps to rid your body of ammonia, which is a toxin that leads to neurological problems such as confusion and fatigue.

cruciferous vegetables

For example , the vegetable family includes  broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts and red cabbage, among  others.

These are powerful ways to detoxify your liver because they contain chemical components that help neutralize toxins.

For example, smokers are recommended to eat these vegetables to help their bodies get rid of the nitrosamines found in cigarette smoke.

Green tea

Green tea

Green tea is known for being full of antioxidants. It can reduce accumulated fat in your liver and thereby contribute to the proper functioning of your liver.

It’s perfect if you want to lose weight and avoid damage caused by toxins.


In addition to being delicious and hydrating, tomatoes also contain a powerful liver cleanser called glutathione.

They also supply you with glycogen, which protects you against cancers such as skin, breast, lung and liver cancer.

Leafy vegetables

Arugula, spinach, and Swiss chard (to name a few) are can’t-miss vegetables.

They are good ‘cleansers’ that neutralize the effects of heavy metals that would otherwise damage your liver. They also boost bile production and eliminate pesticides and herbicides you consume with certain products.

Other ‘less effective’ leafy vegetables include mustard beans, beets and endive.


This citrus fruit has so many health benefits that you should always have it on hand. Along with its super powers, it also has the capacity to cleanse your liver and boost detoxification.

In addition , lemon in boiled water, taken on an empty stomach, stimulates the production of bile and the digestive movements and cleans your stomach and colon.


This tasty fruit supports the health of your liver by  protecting it from being overloaded by the toxins in the foods you eat.

Eating one avocado a week can heal this organ when it is damaged. Try it instead of mayonnaise or as a snack!



Turmeric has a recognizable taste and smell. It’s one of your liver’s “favorites” because it aids in detoxification and elimination of cancer-causing cells.

Add it to your salad, pasta, or soup!

You might also like to read: Incredible Benefits of Turmeric Juice


This nut gives you a good dose of arginine, glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids (which are considered ‘good’ fats).

Walnuts detoxify your liver from problems caused by ammonia, oxygenate your blood and help strengthen your liver.


Beets are a powerful blood purifier and have the capacity to absorb heavy metals that enter your body through food or the air you breathe.

If you have a salad of beets and carrots (both raw), you double the benefits of this vegetable, as they both contain beta-carotene and flavonoids, along with other healing nutrients.

What are you waiting for? So add these amazing foods to your diet ASAP to strengthen your liver!

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