12 Reasons Why Beer Is Healthy

During the summer, on those almost stifling hot and humid days, hardly anything tastes better than a nice cold beer. This drink is usually associated with parties, gatherings with friends and other enjoyable events.
12 reasons why beer is healthy

Few people know that in addition to being wonderfully refreshing, beer is healthy when drunk in moderation.

Health experts often choose not to recommend drinking beer. Many people think that you can drink as much of it as you want, since it is so healthy. In contrast, research shows that drinking 1 or 2 beers is healthy, as long as you drink responsibly.

Drink responsible

Another fact worth remembering is that a glass of beer, depending on the type, has about 220 calories. So this is another reason to only enjoy this drink in moderation. Finally, now that you know all this, in this article we want to share with you 12 amazing benefits that drinking beer can provide.

12 reasons why beer is healthy

Fights insomnia

One of the reasons beer is healthy is that it can combat insomnia

Beer contains two components that support a good night’s sleep, namely nicotinic acid and riboflavin. If you suddenly feel sleepy after drinking a beer, these two components are almost certainly responsible.

Relax your feet

After a long, hard day, your feet may be tired and swollen. To soothe your poor feet, try soaking them in a tub of beer. The effervescent drink will help to slowly relax the feet.

Reduces stress

According to a report from the Mayo Clinic  , moderate beer consumption can help reduce stress and anxiety. The maximum recommended daily amount for women is 235 ml and for men 475 ml.

Healthy skin

Another reason beer is healthy is that it is good for the skin

Beer is also healthy for the skin. Beer contains vitamins and antioxidants that improve skin health. They remove  impurities and stimulate the growth of new cells.

In fact, this drink is often an ingredient in beauty treatments at many European spas. Here they have long been aware of the many benefits that beer offers for the skin.


The high flavanoid content is related to the increase in calcitonin. This is  a hormone that is essential to prevent the bone damage that occurs after menopause. So this is another reason why beer is healthy. In addition, beer contains powerful antioxidants that prevent premature aging.

Protects the heart

Moderate beer consumption can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 40 to 60%. Research shows that yeast can lower bad cholesterol levels.

This prevents the arteries from becoming blocked and prevents the formation of blood clots. In addition, it ensures that the entire cardiovascular health improves.

Improves memory

That it aids memory is another reason beer is healthy

Several studies show that the silicon content in beer can help combat cognitive problems and memory loss. These studies also show that people who drink beer regularly and in moderation are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s.

Protects the kidneys

Beer is healthy in case of kidney stones. Drinking one or two beers a day can help keep your kidneys healthy.

Research conducted in Finland shows that people who drink a beer every day are up to 40% less likely to develop kidney stones. These benefits are linked to the hops that beer contains, a component that makes bones stronger.

Improves Digestion

Another reason why beer is healthy is that beer provides the body with a large amount of fiber. These have a natural laxative effect on the body.

Unlike other drinks that do not contain fiber, this drink promotes healthy bowel movements. It can help prevent stomach and intestinal problems such as constipation and diarrhea.

Rich in B vitamins

Beer is also a great source of B vitamins. Dark beer in particular contains large amounts of vitamins B3, B6 and B8 (folic acid). Vitamin B3 plays an important role in the repair of body cells, while vitamin B6 relieves the symptoms of PMS. Folic acid can also help prevent colon cancer.

Supports healthy eyesight

That it aids eyesight is another reason beer is healthy

Multiple studies conducted in the US and Canada show that drinking beer daily can significantly reduce the risk of cataracts. This benefit is especially important for people with diabetes. These people are more likely to develop this condition.

Cold remedy

Drinking warm beer when you have a cold can help control your symptoms and speed recovery. Hot barley stimulates circulation and breathing, has a positive effect on muscle pain and strengthens your immune system.

How do you consume beer when you have a cold?

Immerse a bottle of beer in a hot bath. When the drink has warmed up, add four tablespoons of honey before drinking it.

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