6 Medicinal Plants For Amnesia

Forgetting things is very normal, but what if your memory fails you in such a way that your quality of life deteriorates? We then speak of progressive memory loss, a phenomenon that is caused by damage or disease of areas of the brain involved in memory function.
6 medicinal plants for memory loss

Medical treatment can improve memory loss, but nature could also provide us with remedies for memory loss, according to some studies , that would improve our memory. 

In fact, the chemicals from medicinal plants are often found in many medicines. For example, antioxidants help prevent brain tissue from being damaged by free radicals.

However, synthetic drugs are specifically designed as a treatment, while natural remedies are not necessarily the same. Therefore, you should use common sense and always consult a doctor first.

Try these plants for memory loss

1. Broad beans

broad beans

Broad beans contain a large amount of choline, a substance that is important for brain development.

So add fava beans to your daily diet or drink an infusion of the fava bean daily  to help strengthen your brain and improve your memory.

2. Fenugreek


This plant also contains a significant amount of choline and may therefore be a good ally in the fight against amnesia. So you can add fenugreek in the form of tea or an infusion to your daily diet.

It is recommended to drink two cups of this tea per day.

3. Real sage


Sage is packed with antioxidants, which are said to help the body’s cells to retain choline better. You can make an infusion of sage and drink two glasses of this once or twice a week.

4. Rosemary


Another plant rich in antioxidants is rosemary. To improve memory, you can use rosemary in the form of infusions. You can easily make these infusions by boiling a cup of water and adding a tablespoon of rosemary blossom to it.

  • Cover the water with the rosemary and let it sit for ten minutes.
  • You can drink a small cup of this infusion twice a day.

Rosemary can also be used in the form of oil.

  • Use the oil to massage the neck and forehead.
  • Use the herb as a homeopathic remedy for the bath.

5. Fennel


Fennel is said to have a positive effect on age-related memory loss and some symptoms associated with dementia.

You can chew fennel seeds or use fennel, like rosemary, in the form of oil for relaxing massages. 

6. Nettle


Nettle stimulates estrogen production, which can improve mental capacity. So taking this herb on a daily basis may help reduce symptoms caused by memory loss.

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