6 Natural Remedies For Restless Legs Syndrome

Topical massages can be a great way to both treat and prevent restless legs syndrome. That’s because they could boost circulation and reduce tension.
6 natural remedies for restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome or restless legs syndrome is a nerve disorder. The patient feels an uncontrollable impulse to move his legs  and also experiences symptoms such as tingling and stiffness.

The syndrome normally occurs when you go through extended periods of rest or inactivity. So it tends to surface during your sleep.

The exact cause is unknown, but the syndrome is believed to be related to:

  • genetic factors
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • hormonal imbalances

While there is still a lot of uncertainty about this syndrome, there are some therapies and remedies that you can try with your doctor’s approval. That way, the syndrome does not have such a negative impact on your quality of life.

In this article you will find some of the possible causes of restless legs syndrome and 6 examples of natural treatments.

Causes of the restless legs syndrome

As mentioned before, we do not yet know the exact cause of this medical condition. One hypothesis would attribute the syndrome to an imbalance in dopamine, a chemical that controls your muscle movements.

The risk of this syndrome would increase if you are dealing with the following medical conditions:

  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • iron deficiency
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Pregnancy
  • Multiple sclerosis

Symptoms of the restless legs syndrome

Symptoms of restless legs

The uncontrollable impulse to move your legs is the primary symptom and is what gives this condition its name. This problem may also be accompanied by the following signs and symptoms:

  • Tingling or tickling sensation
  • The feeling that you have to drag your leg
  • Itch
  • A burning sensation or pain
  • Palpitations or other discomfort
  • Muscles that contract vigorously

These symptoms may occur more frequently at night. They can be mild or last up to an hour or more. Sometimes the syndrome can even spread to your arms. It almost always goes away after moving or stretching your limbs.

Try these natural remedies for restless legs syndrome

There is as yet no curative treatment for this syndrome. So the symptoms may come back every now and then. However, some therapies and lifestyle changes may help control the syndrome.

1. Get Exercise

Get exercise

People with a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from this syndrome. So regular exercise can be a good way to prevent the problem.

Exercise helps to:

  • improve blood circulation
  • strengthen your muscles
  • prevent problems such as fluid retention

2. Wear socks in your sleep

You can try wearing socks in your sleep to keep your feet at a certain temperature. Cold feet could lead to restless legs.

This remedy has not yet been proven and is rather a trick that people can sometimes use successfully to ensure that the syndrome does not return.

3. Control your stress

Control your stress

Many people may think that stress has nothing to do with this syndrome.

Still, continuous exposure to stress can trigger the symptoms of restless legs syndrome. This emotional state causes drastic changes in:

  • your hormone levels
  • your blood circulation
  • other important bodily functions.

So it’s important to try relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation to get your stress under control.

4. Use cold and warm compresses

Therapy with cold and warm compresses is an interesting option to reduce the tingling, tension and burning sensation.

You apply the compresses alternately: first warm and then cold. Leave them for a few minutes for them to take effect. However, keep the affected area dry.

5. Get a massage


Massages can really help your legs stay relaxed and activate circulation. Getting a massage would even be good if you have no complaints.

A good massage creates a kind of heating effect, which can reduce muscle tension and take away uncomfortable nighttime cramps.

You can also use soothing oils such as cypress, lavender or rosemary oil.

6. Take Magnesium Supplements

A magnesium deficiency has several consequences for the health of the muscles. Often there is a deficiency of this nutrient in patients with restless legs syndrome.

You can get this element naturally from the following foods:

  • Fish and seafood
  • Dried herbs
  • pumpkin seeds
  • cocoa powder
  • nuts
  • oat bran
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Avocado
  • You can also use supplements or topical lotions that contain magnesium.

Do you suffer from this medical condition? If so, visit your doctor first. If he or she likes it, you can try these tips. Perhaps you will succeed in reducing the complaints in a natural way.

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