6 Romantic Movies That Will Make You Cry

Movies are one of the many ways to get in touch with our emotions. Today we tell you about six romantic movies that will make you cry.
6 romantic movies that will make you cry

The big screen can always stir the emotions of the viewers. And when it comes to romantic movies, sometimes people even seem a bit masochistic.

After all, we’re comfortable on the couch, excited and ready to suffer (sometimes throughout the movie) and we’re enjoying it. Do you like movies that bring out your feelings? In today’s article, we share six romantic movies that will make you cry.

Whether you’re in a relationship, tired of being single or enjoying it, it’s always a great time to watch movies about love and impossible romances. Well-cherished love dramas keep us on the edge of our seats from start to finish.

It doesn’t matter if the movie is based on real life, on something that never happened, but could someday happen, or is completely fictional. Some romantic movies can make almost anyone cry. These can be tears of joy or sadness.

Six romantic movies that will make you cry

Couples at the cinema

When it comes to love stories, we love to put our fingers in an open wound, twist it, and then squeeze some lemon juice into it. That said, these are 6 movies that will make you cry, but still want to watch again and again.

1. The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Can you erase all memories from your mind to stop your suffering? The plot of this story raises that question and has one of the most beautiful storylines ever written. However, it is also one of the most complicated and tragic stories.

2. The Notebook

In The Notebook we see the story of two young people who fall in love in the 1940s. We hear their story told by an old man who reads a notebook to his wife with Alzheimer’s.

Then we realize that he is trying to help her remember what they had to overcome so that their love would last for so many years. It’s a very bittersweet story.

3. Titanic

Romantic Movie Scene from Titanic

For years, this was the highest-grossing film of all time. No one could resist the story of this mythical ship, where a girl from the upper classes and a dreamer from the lower classes learn about true love. Sadly, the inevitable end leaves us all grieving.

4. Before Sunset

This film shows that love can grow from a single conversation. It is the story of two young people who fall in love during a train journey through Europe. This is a beautiful movie that will make you believe in love.

5. Sweet November

The main character of this film lives as if there is no tomorrow and decides to find a different partner every month until November. This is the movie that plays with the idea of ​​living our lives to the full, while also reminding us that happiness can also have an expiration date.

6. Ghost

Ghost shows how love is greater than life and death. One of the characters, Sam, has recently passed away and becomes a ghost who roams the world. Meanwhile, his beloved Molly mourns his loss. Thanks to a medium, they finally get the farewell they deserve.

Phrases to remember

Popcorn and remote control

Sometimes we can’t find the words to express our feelings. However, it’s amazing how some movies seem to have just the right words. Find a phrase that describes how you feel and share it with that special someone:

  • “I think our love can do anything we want” – The Notebook.
  • “I live for one thing, to love you, to make you happy, to live firmly and joyfully in the present” – Sweet November.
  • “You can erase someone from your mind. Getting him out of your heart is another story” – Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
  • “If you jump, I jump too, remember?” – Titanic

Why do we like to watch movies that make us cry?

We all cried watching that last scene from the Titanic. However, why do we like to watch it again and again? Don’t worry, we’re not masochists. It’s because watching a movie makes us cry, releases endorphins and trains our pain resistance. That’s why it’s kind of an ’emotional gym’.

Regardless of whether we have a partner or not and whether we are in love or not, we all have a certain need to watch romantic movies. That’s why we suggest you pull out the tissues and enjoy these six romantic movies that will make you cry.

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