7 Foods That Increase Uric Acid Levels

To keep your uric acid levels under control, you need to follow a special diet. In particular, you should avoid a number of foods that increase uric acid levels. In this article, we’ll tell you which foods you should consume in moderation to keep things under control and stay healthy.
7 Foods That Increase Uric Acid Levels

High levels of uric acid in the bloodstream can lead to arthritis or gout. Once it builds up in the fluids around your joints, it causes inflammation and pain, especially in your toes and ankles.

Some foods are high in purines which then increase uric acid levels in the bloodstream. So have your blood checked regularly and watch your diet to learn to prevent this ailment.

List of Foods That Increase Uric Acid Levels



Shellfish are rich in purines, so you should only eat them in moderation if you already have high uric acid levels. Some examples are crab, shrimp, oysters, clams and mussels.

In addition, you should avoid both fresh and canned shellfish in such a situation, as even the processed shellfish can increase uric acid levels.

2. Red meat

This is the food we usually think is responsible for a rise in uric acid levels. So avoid red meat completely if you have a problem with this. Pork and beef both contain high amounts of purines.  Fatty meats, minced meat, kidneys and entrails are also known culprits.

3. Legumes


Lentils, chickpeas and beans are known for their high concentrations of purines, so people with high uric acid levels should limit their consumption of these legumes to only once or twice a week at most.

4. Certain Vegetables

Some vegetables should be eaten in moderation or completely avoided if you have problems with uric acid. Think for example of asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, radishes and leeks. Mushrooms are also on the list.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol cocktail

Beer is even more harmful to people with high uric acid levels than shellfish or red meat. That’s because it not only increases your levels, but also makes it harder to reduce it. By the way, experts recommend avoiding beer completely if you suffer from gout.

6. Sugary Drinks and Sweet Desserts

Soft drinks and processed fruit juices contain corn syrup. This substance stimulates the production of uric acid. Commercially prepared pastries, cookies, cakes and the like are also full of sugar. That way you will increase your uric acid level.

7. Coffee


Drinking too much coffee can be harmful to your health. It is therefore best to drink a maximum of one or two cups a day.

Symptoms of a high uric acid level

If your uric acid level becomes very high, you can suffer from gout and kidney stones. Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Pain in the big toe
  • Severe pain and inflammation in the joints
  • Difficulty going to the toilet
  • An accelerated pulse
  • Pain in the knees
  • kidney stones
  • Fatigue
  • Hard bumps around the joints

A doctor must make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a good treatment, including, for example, an adjusted diet.

Treatments for high uric acid levels

The pain can be very annoying, but there are certain things you can do to alleviate the problem. For example, try applying cold compresses to your aching joints.

  • A doctor can prescribe you anti-inflammatories (not steroids) and they can relieve the pain well
  • They may recommend taking medications in low doses and increasing them over time as they prescribe.
  • Your treatment can take six to twelve months.
  • During this time, you should watch your diet and make regular time for light to moderate exercise.

An example diet to lower your uric acid level


This diet contains proteins that come mainly from dairy products and eggs. You can include rabbit as a meat source if you wish, as this meat has both low purine and low cholesterol content.


  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread

Ten o’clock

  • 1 banana


  • Gnocchi With Tomato Sauce
  • Grilled white fish
  • flan

afternoon snack

  • 1 slice of watermelon


  • Eggplant with parmesan cheese
  • Salad made with tomato, carrots and basil
  • You can mix the ingredients however you like, as long as you remember to balance the amounts of proteins, vegetables, fruits and grains. Keep the fat content low.

Remember: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for a doctor’s recommendations.

Your doctor may also recommend a different diet if your uric acid level is well above normal.

Take care of your health, because that is the most important thing you have! Only you can take your own destiny into your own hands.

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