7 Herbs That Promote Weight Loss

Green tea is helpful in purifying the body. The tea has a diuretic effect and has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism. For the best weight loss results, we recommend that you combine the herbs in this article with a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and two liters of water a day.  
7 Herbs That Promote Weight Loss

Whatever the reason you’re not losing weight, adding certain herbs to your diet will help curb your appetite, burn fat and boost your energy levels, getting you back on track.

If you exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet, but are still struggling to lose weight, you are not alone. There are plenty of people who can’t resist that daily treat or people who naturally have a slow metabolism.

If you’re looking for resources that can help you lose weight, try the following 7 herbs to promote weight loss!

7 Herbs That Promote Weight Loss

1. Green tea

Green tea is all the rage right now and is part of many weight loss methods. And this is not surprising, because it has been proven that this tea can be extremely helpful in weight loss.

Green tea contains catechins. These are antioxidants that may be associated with faster metabolism and fat burning. In addition, green tea is rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which stimulate the body to expel excess fluid.

A study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that after several months, participants who drank 690 milligrams of green tea extract daily lost more weight than those who did not.

2. Ponytail


Horsetail is also an excellent herb to add to your diet. This herb is known for its purifying properties, which help to remove toxins and excess fluids from the body.

Horsetail will not directly help the body burn fat, but because the herb has a cleansing effect on the body, it can prevent new fat from accumulating in the body and counteract cellulite.

3. Barberry

When people suffer from stress or anxiety, they often reach for food. In this case, barberry can be helpful. The herb has a calming effect, which can help control feelings of anxiety. In addition, barberry can help improve digestion and promote metabolism.

4. Artichoke


Artichoke is not only very tasty, but eating this vegetable also stimulates weight loss. It has diuretic properties that purify the body of toxins and excess fluid. In addition, artichoke leaves contain high amounts of:

  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Potassium

Therefore, eat an artichoke regularly. Your digestive system and metabolism will thank you.

5. Birch

Since birch has an anti-inflammatory effect, it stimulates the liver to produce bile, which helps improve kidney function. To rid the body of toxins and excess fluids, it is therefore recommended to add a birch extract to your diet.

6. Fucus


Fucus, also called sea oak, is brown seaweed that is rich in iodine, proteins, vitamin B complex and minerals such as iron, magnesium and phosphorus. The large amount of iodine promotes the thyroid gland, making it easier to burn fat.

Do not eat fucus every day and make sure it is fresh when you eat it, because fucus loses nutrients quickly. You can also drink a glass of tea from this seaweed before a meal, as it will make you feel full.

7. Yerba mate

Due to its thermogenic properties, this herb is often very popular as a weight loss supplement. In addition, yerba mate makes you feel full and you will remain satiated for longer.

Other tips

  • To ensure that these herbs will work better,  we recommend that you drink them in the form of an infusion or tea.
  • Never drink more than one cup a day as these are medicinal herbs that can have unforeseen side effects.
  • Always combine these herbs with a healthy diet, regular exercise and drinking two liters of water per day for optimal results.
  • Do you have diabetes, high blood pressure, are you pregnant or do you take regular medicines? Then we recommend that you consult your doctor before including these herbs in your diet. Taking the herbs can cause negative side effects in these cases. 

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