7 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Head Lice

Natural remedies, which our grandmothers have used for years to get rid of head lice, are just as effective as commercial treatments and contain no harmful chemicals.
7 natural ways to get rid of head lice

Head lice ( Pediculus humanus capitis)  are small insects no longer three millimeters long that live on your scalp to suck your blood. The infestation is known as head lice or pediculosis and can affect anyone, but we mainly see it in children.

The presence of head lice is not very pleasant, because these insects not only multiply quickly, but their saliva also causes itching on the scalp. Therefore, there is a good chance that a child who scratches his head more often than usual has head lice.

Head lice spread through direct contact.  In addition, these parasites lay eggs, which we call nits. Within eight or nine days, these nits have already grown into lice.

With this in mind, don’t wait too long to get rid of head lice so that they don’t completely invade the scalp. Fortunately, we can share  seven natural ways to help you get rid of head lice below.

Although there are many products on the market to combat head lice, it is better to avoid products that contain aggressive ingredients.

Let’s take a look at the natural remedies!

1. White Vinegar For Head Lice

White vinegar for head lice

White vinegar contains natural acids that are good for the scalp and the problems that can arise. Thanks to the properties of white vinegar, it repels the lice and  helps eliminate the nits that make your hair look bad.

How do you use it?

  • Warm a little white vinegar to a tolerable temperature and apply it to the scalp and hair.
  • If the vinegar feels burning, remove it right away.
  • Ideally, use pure white vinegar, but if you have sensitive skin, dilute it with some water.
  • Keep using it every day  until the head lice are gone.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has a pleasant scent that helps neutralize the vinegar’s odor and enhance its effects. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it also repels lice and makes the process of removing nits that stick to the hair easier.

How do you use it?

Rub a little coconut oil all over the scalp and let it sit for fifteen minutes. Then comb the hair well with a wide-tooth comb.

3. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil

The anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties of tea tree essential oil can also help fight against these troublesome parasites.

How do you use it?

  • Spread fifteen drops of tea tree oil over the scalp. Don’t wipe it off, just let it sit on the scalp and do its work.
  • Repeat this every day for best results.

4. Olive oil

This product is a good alternative to loosen the nits from the hair, which conventional products do not always succeed.

How do you use it?

  • Rinse the hair with some extra virgin olive oil. Cover your hair with a plastic bath cap and let it sit for an hour.
  • When the hour is up, take off the bathing cap, comb the hair and remove the eggs, or rather, the nits.

5. A Blend of Oils

A blend of oils

By using a combination of different essential oils, you can improve the effectiveness of the products mentioned above, so that the lice do not return to your hair.

The idea is to combine ingredients with antimicrobial properties, as this creates a protective barrier on the scalp.


  • 15 grams of extra virgin coconut oil
  • 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 2 drops of essential tea tree oil

How do you use these ingredients

Combine all the oils in one jar and apply the mixture to the scalp, following the hairline.

6. Rue infusion

Rue has many beneficial properties for the hair. In addition to promoting healthy hair growth, it is also a good alternative to use to combat head lice.


  • 30 grams of rue
  • 500ml water

How are you?

  • Bring the water to a boil and add the rue when the water reaches boiling point.
  • Then cover the infusion and let it  steep for twenty minutes.
  • Then pour the mixture through a sieve and use the moisture to wet your hair.
  • Cover your hair with a bath cap and  let the mixture act for an hour and a half.
  • Rinse the hair well and repeat this every day.

7. Garlic


The sulfur substances in garlic and the intense smell are a strong repellent against these insects.


  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • 40 grams of olive oil

How do you use it?

  • Crush the garlic cloves and mix them with the olive oil until a firm paste forms.
  • Then apply the paste all over the scalp and leave it on for an hour.
  • Then rinse the mixture well from your hair, apply conditioner and brush your hair.
  • Use this remedy a few times a week.

Please try any of the natural remedies we listed above so you don’t have to use commercial products that contain harsh chemicals.

However, you should remember that to get the best results, you should use these agents often, as well as remember to follow strict hygiene measures.

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