7 Things Your Depression Doesn’t Want You To Know

Don’t chain yourself to the past, don’t dwell on the future. The here and now is all that really matters. Let the sun warm today.
7 Things Your Depression Doesn't Want You To Know

Depression is the most common mental illness in Western society . It is also the largest cause of absenteeism at work.

Antidepressants are therefore among the most sold drugs in the world and according to figures from the World Health Organization WHO, this number is increasing by 10 to 15% every year.

So what’s going on? Are our increasingly complex lifestyles making us more and more vulnerable? The truth is that there is no really clearly identifiable cause.

No person is the same

All we know is that no two people are identical. In addition, the cause of depression is also different for each person.

How can you deal with it?

So that’s why it’s very difficult to help develop a ready-made set of skills. After all, wouldn’t it be easy to support every person who suffers from depression? However, there are some simple universal truths that you can remember. They will certainly help you on the days when the sun has disappeared behind dark clouds.

1. Self-esteem is paramount


How you perceive and interpret the world around you often also depends on your level of self-confidence. You have probably noticed that on your gloomy days you are sometimes compulsively preoccupied with what those around you think of you and that everyone seems to have more than what you would like to have.

All in all, you get caught up in a flood of negative thoughts. And you also become convinced that you are someone who does not deserve the good things in life. Or you become even more entangled in the belief that you are not good enough at all to receive happiness in your life.

Self confidence

Lack of self-confidence also causes feelings of inner turmoil, imbalance and conflict. These can gradually engulf you, causing you to lose control of your own life.

Indeed, the most dangerous form of depression is the one formed from within. Sometimes there is no specific cause that led to the onset of the depression. The wound is inside and can sometimes be there since childhood.


Perhaps you had a difficult family situation, a not-so-great relationship with your parents, and this led to the inability to develop an adult emotional life.

The lack of self-confidence probably dates from this period. An inexplicable sadness fills your days, motivation becomes alien and a constant sense of discouragement gradually leads you to depression.

Therefore, always pay attention to your self-confidence.

2. Dark clouds float by


We promise you, depression won’t last. The pain within, which seems to be constantly present, also passes on a given day.

Experiment and try to approach a new day with a sense of objectivity and don’t allow the negative thoughts to enter your mind. Keep your dreams in mind and you will find that the feelings of depression will gradually recede, until they are still a shadow on the horizon.

3. Focus on the present


Consider whether it is really useful to dwell on what happened last year or last month. It just causes unnecessary pain and stress. Reviving the past is not worth this pain, nor a fatalistic look ahead to the future. The crystal ball only exists in fairy tales. No one knows for sure what the future will bring.

What’s over is over

The past is over, no matter what happened. Allow yourself to live in the here and now with all the intensity and pleasure you deserve. After all, that’s the only thing that makes your efforts worth it.

4. Ask for advice – but from the right people


Do you know the advice to first seek help and advice from your family in periods when things are not going well for you ? Hopefully this advice will work for you, but it often happens that seeking help from family members does more harm than good.

Also, those who believe that a depressive illness is the result of a weak character or negative attitude, you should completely ignore.

Take your time and seek professional help. Trust those friends and family who really listen to your story, are open to your story, and can give you the right words at the right time.

5. Your depression doesn’t like to come out

To walk

A truth that stands as a rock. Your depression likes dark rooms with the curtains drawn and the doors closed. She wallows in the silence where your negative thoughts and feelings are given free rein and make fun of you.

Go outside. Start every day with a small walk or do your shopping by bike from now on.

6. Depression Craves Junk Food


Cakes, snacks, frozen meals, fast food… these foods calm your tense nerves and give you a brief moment of pleasure, but they actually increase the chemical imbalance that characterizes depression.

Make a commitment to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and drink water and tea. Follow a healthy diet that will help you feel better about yourself and eliminate excess toxins from the body.

7. Decide to say “no” to your depression


You probably think: easier said than done. Saying “no” to your depression is not self-evident and takes courage and perseverance. Convince yourself that “You” is not the depression.

You are a wonderful human being who deserves happiness again, who is enthusiastic and happy in life. Take the first step to happiness with the tips above and cast off the shadow that holds you back from living life to the fullest.

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