90% Of Diseases Are Linked To An Unhealthy Colon

An unhealthy colon can cause a number of health problems and illnesses, including diabetes or chronic headaches. Cleaning your colon therefore has a positive effect on your entire body.
90% of diseases are linked to an unhealthy colon

Most people are not aware of it, but it is claimed that 90% of all diseases and weight problems are linked to an unhealthy colon.

This organ obviously plays an essential role for your general health, as the large intestine is responsible for removing toxic and unwanted substances and waste from the body. In the long term, these substances can cause serious health problems.

People who suffer from poor digestion can store large amounts of waste products in their large intestines. However, when these substances are exposed to the warm temperatures in the body, they can start to ferment or even rot after two days or more.

Toxic substances that are built up in the intestines can be passed through the blood to the liver and further spread through the bloodstream. This can cause serious skin problems or various chronic diseases.

The consequences of an unhealthy colon

hands hold belly

The colon is part of your body’s natural detoxification system and plays a very important role in it.

It may be that you yourself have a good digestion and therefore do not expect any problems. Still, it is still necessary to detoxify and purify your colon every now and then in order to remove the substances that have accumulated over a long period of time.

If you don’t do this, these substances can be absorbed into the bloodstream, which can cause serious problems. The result is an unhealthy colon.

Some of the consequences of an unhealthy colon include:

  • A bloated feeling
  • Weight gain
  • Changes in your mood
  • Constipation or slow digestion
  • Back pain and headache
  • A loss of energy
  • A weakened immune system
  • Loss of appetite
  • A foul smelling breath or body odor
  • Diarrhea
  • Spots on the skin
  • Acne or blackheads
  • Diabetes
  • Stress, insomnia and anxiety
  • Different types of cancer
  • hair loss
  • varicose veins

Why is it important to cleanse your colon?

Colon Cleanse

The choices we’ve made with our modern lifestyle have consequences, including digestive issues and healthy waste elimination. These problems have led to a greater accumulation of toxins and other substances that are harmful to the body.

If you don’t eat a healthy diet, don’t exercise regularly, and don’t generally try to follow a healthier lifestyle, your digestive system can suffer. Problems arise with removing all the by-products from the food you eat, causing a build-up in your colon.

This accumulation can ensure that about 1 to 3 kilograms of waste products are stuck in your large intestine!

This allows bacteria and toxic substances to move through your body through the blood vessels in the wall of your large intestine. When the toxins get into your bloodstream, it can result in chronic health problems in just about every organ in your body.

How do you know if your colon needs to be cleaned?

When you start showing the following telltale symptoms, it’s clearly time for you to get your colon cleansed:

  • A heavy feeling in your stomach
  • Fatigue and low energy arrow
  • Flatulence and bloating
  • Slow digestion and heartburn
  • Weight gain and cravings for certain foods
  • Allergy to certain nutrients
  • Frequent headaches
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Bad breath and constant thirst
  • Regular colds with a lot of mucus
  • Skin issues,  including rash, acne, or dry skin
  • Red eyes or bags under your eyes
  • hair loss

How do you clean your colon?

intestinal cramps

The first step in cleansing your colon is to change your habits and become aware that you can literally poison your body by making the wrong food choices.

Some steps you can take to clear your digestive system and generally improve your quality of life include:

  • Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. A healthy breakfast contains a lot of fiber and water.
  • Drink a glass of water with lemon juice on an empty stomach.
  • In general, improve your diet by consuming more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and water.
  • Try to exercise for at least thirty minutes a day. This good habit has a positive effect on your entire body and promotes good digestion.
  • In some cases, it can also be very helpful to use an enema to cleanse your bowel. You can make such an enema by using coffee or a saline solution. The most important thing is that you learn to use them correctly to avoid complications.

Juices that help cleanse your colon to avoid an unhealthy colon

Fruit juice

Always keep the recommendations we gave you above in mind. To cleanse the colon, you can also use a combination of a number of natural juices that contain detoxifying properties.

We give you the recipe for a fruit juice that combines the good properties of pineapple, cucumber and aloe vera and thus forms a very suitable juice.


  • 2 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 pineapple slices
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 apple
  • aloe vera gel


  • First squeeze the oranges and lemon and put the juice in a blender. Then combine it with the two slices of pineapple, a peeled and sliced ​​cucumber, an apple and the gel of one leaf of the aloe vera plant.
  • Then mix all ingredients for a few minutes and add some water if necessary.
  • Then drink this drink on an empty stomach for fifteen consecutive days. 

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