Tighten Your Pores With These 5 Natural Remedies

Are your dilated pores driving you crazy? Try some of these treatments at home and you will find that you can improve the appearance of your skin without spending a lot of money.
Tighten your pores with these 5 natural remedies

Your pores are small holes in the epidermis. Their role is very important when it comes to regulating your body temperature, as they provide cooling.

Everyone has around two million pores scattered throughout the body. While it’s easy to ignore their function, they are necessary for protecting your skin from environmental factors.

Their size may differ due to genetic factors, among other things. However, they often tend to become dilated due to excess sebum and the loss of elasticity associated with premature aging.

Problems with the pores

The problem occurs when they become clogged with a buildup of dead skin and environmental pollution. Over time, this gives rise to a reaction, such as blackheads and acne.

For that reason, many people look for treatments to shrink and cleanse their pores and make their face look healthier. The good news is that there are several natural solutions that can help reduce their size while masking imperfections.

Today we want to share with you five of the best options that you can try at home.

1. Tomato juice

Tomato juice

Natural tomato juice contains acidic components that help regulate the pH of your skin to reduce the number of clogged pores.

The direct application helps to control chronic acne and regulates the production of sebum to have a cleaner and more even face.


  • 1 ripe tomato
  • 1/4 cup water (62 ml)


  • First, put the ripe tomato in the blender along with the water and blend it until you get a natural juice.
  • Then dip a brush or piece of cotton into the juice and apply it all over your face.
  • Then leave it on for  10 minutes and then remove excess juice with cold water.
  • Finally, repeat this at least  three times a week.

Also read:
What acne can tell you about your health

2. Oatmeal Honey Scrub

An exfoliating cream made with oatmeal and honey can help remove impurities from clogged pores, leaving your face looking cleaner and younger.


  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal (20 g)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)


  • First, combine the honey and oatmeal until you get a creamy paste.
  • Then apply this mask all over your face, especially if you notice that you have enlarged pores.
  • Then let it sit for 30 minutes and then wash it off.
  • Use it two to three times a week.

3. Cucumber Milk Mask


The astringent properties of cucumber and the lactic acid in milk make this natural treatment one of the best ways to reduce the size of your pores.

The components will counteract dilation and reduce the presence of dead cells and impurities.


  • 1/2 cucumber
  • ΒΌ cup milk (62 ml)


  • First add the two ingredients to the blender and process until smooth.
  • Then apply it to your skin and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Then wash it off with cold water and use it every night.

4. Protein Treatment

Applying egg whites to your face can help you get rid of blackheads caused by clogged pores.

The component in protein regulates the natural pH of the house  and promotes the balance of your sebaceous glands.


  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (5 ml)


  • Beat the egg white first and mix it with the teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • After removing your makeup in the evening, apply this treatment all over your face.
  • Then let it dry for 30 minutes and then wash it off.
  • Then use this  three times a week.

Also check out this article:
Egg face mask for clean and toned skin

5. Natural Yogurt Mask

The lactic acid in natural yogurt is one of the best ingredients for cleansing your pores and eliminating dead skin cells.

It creates a protective barrier against bacteria and also brightens dark spots on your skin.


  • 3 tablespoons natural yogurt (36 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (10 g)


  • First, mix the tablespoon of sugar with the natural yogurt and apply this exfoliating cream with gentle, circular motions.
  • Then let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off.
  • Then repeat this application up  to three times a week.

Are your enlarged pores still driving you crazy? Try some of these treatments at home and you will find that you can improve the appearance of your skin without spending a lot of money.

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