Why You Suffer From Back Pain

Back pain can be caused by several things, especially poor posture, lack of sleep, or too much physical activity.
Why you suffer from back pain

One of the most common problems in today’s society is  back pain,  from the neck to the waist. Back pain  can be caused by several things, especially poor posture, lack of sleep, or too much physical activity. Want answers to your back pain questions? Then read the following article.

What is it? Why? When did it start? These are the most common questions about back pain

Anyone can suffer from back pain, but there are a number of factors that increase the risk of certain problems, such as cervical problems, spinal deformities and so on.


As you get older, so does your spine. That’s why when you turn 30 or 40 you start to experience more back pain because the muscles and bones become weaker.

Insufficient movement

People who do not exercise or exercise regularly are at a higher risk of back pain. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to back problems.


Back pain

People who are overweight or obese are more likely to have back pain and spinal pain because that part of the body carries your entire weight.

Hereditary Factors

Hereditary factors can be the cause of back or neck pain. Pay close attention to the history of back pain or problems in your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. Spinal arthritis and other conditions are often hereditary.

Your job

The tasks you do every day can also lead to back pain. For example, people who lift a lot of heavy things every day or have to carry things around – even when standing or sitting – are more at risk of developing back pain.

To smoke

To smoke

There is a surprising connection between back pain and smoking. That’s because people who smoke have trouble getting the necessary nutrients to their lumbar discs. In addition, smoking makes physical recovery more difficult after fractures or trauma.

Poor condition

Hernias, muscle strain, scoliosis, arthritis, lumbar stenosis, kidney stones, fibromyalgia, infections, endometriosis, and spinal disc injuries are common causes of back pain.

If you suspect you may be suffering from any of these conditions, you should consult your doctor for the correct diagnosis and proper course of treatment.

bad sleep

The above conditions or disorders combined with poor sleep will aggravate your back pain. If you don’t get enough sleep, if your pillow is too flat or too thick, you sleep on an old mattress, or if you are in a bad position while you sleep, it can be a lot of trouble.

How to make your back stronger

One of the best ways to relieve back pain is by having a strong, healthy spine. Look at the following tips on how to achieve that.

The right attitude

Good posture is essential for a healthy back. Do not lean forward with your shoulders forward when sitting at your desk. Choose an ergonomic office chair that supports your back well, from the waist to your neck. Try to use a pillow if you need to.

Keep your shoulders in a straight line with your ears and imagine that there is a plank against your back. It may not seem comfortable, but after a while you will notice the difference.

If your job requires you to lift heavy objects, bend your knees instead of bending your back. Lift with your legs, not your back –  that can damage your spine.

The right attitude


You can do many types of exercises to strengthen your back, but lifting weights is not recommended if you have chronic back pain, at least not right away. The best exercises include swimming, Pilates, yoga, cycling and walking.

All you need is half an hour a day to notice the improvements. Exercise is also good for your entire body, not just your spine.

Stretching Exercises

This is important, especially if you have a job where you sit all day. Get up from your chair a few times a day and make a few easy movements so that your back is not always in the same position. Be sure to stretch your neck, your waist, your shoulders, and even your head. 

Stretching exercises should be done slowly and consciously, without sudden movements.

Stretch your arms up as if you were trying to touch the ceiling and make circular movements with your wrists. Turn your head from side to side, then roll your head to either side as if you were trying to touch your shoulder with your ear.

There are also many good yoga positions that strengthen your back.


How healthy do you think your diet is? What you eat affects your spine. If you eat a lot of proteins, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats, you will notice that your back pain is less. Omega 3 fatty acids are especially recommended for alleviating spinal and nervous system problems.



Here we want to answer two important questions: what can you do to prevent lower back pain and how much of it should you try? In the first place, you should pay attention to the position in which you sleep.

If your mattress or pillows are old and uncomfortable, get new ones. If you sleep on your side, try sleeping on your back for a change. Get between six and eight hours of rest per night.

Treat bedtime as a ritual: turn off your phone and other electronic devices, try to get to sleep before 11am, and don’t bring work or school to bed.


People who meditate have less back pain than those who lead more stressful, less mindful lives. Meditation will also improve your mood, make you more productive, prolong your life and most importantly help you maintain a better posture.

This is due to the lotus position (the most famous position for meditation). Try to meditate for about 10 minutes each morning.

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