The Plank Exercise Is A Great Abs Exercise

The plank exercise helps to shape various parts of your body, from your legs to your buttocks, through the back and stomach.
The plank exercise is a great abdominal exercise

You already know that a good exercise routine is an essential part of achieving a healthy weight and a slim figure. Exercise will help target specific areas of fat, while also giving your body more energy to burn extra calories. But due to a lack of time, difficulty or personal preference , many people choose not to exercise regularly and miss out on the kind of physical exercise required to stay healthy. In this article we will discuss an effective exercise namely the plank exercise.

For those who cannot afford to exercise regularly, we will introduce an alternative today. This one may become your best friend in the struggle to lose weight and stay healthy.

This exercise, sometimes referred to as a ‘challenge’, is known as ‘the plank’. It is starting to gain popularity worldwide due to its effectiveness. It focuses on your primary abs, but also puts other muscle groups to work, making it ideal for weight loss.

To see the results the plank can offer you, all you need is the willpower to keep going. You should do this exercise every day or at least once a day for a few minutes. And we’ll tell you right off the bat that it’s not an easy exercise…

You should train yourself to support your body weight for several minutes using only your hands and feet. By holding this pose, you will activate several muscle groups and as a result you will get a stronger back, toned glutes that are free of cellulite, beautiful legs, toned abs and toned arms.

How to do the plank exercise – a great exercise for the abs


The plank exercise is a static exercise. This means that you have to hold your body in a certain position for a while without moving.

To start, lie face down on the floor. Bend your elbows 90 degrees so they are level with your shoulders. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels and you should only be supported by your forearms and toes. Remember that your elbows should be placed directly under your shoulders.

To hold this position, you need to tighten your abs, not relax them. Your hips should remain high in the air and you should hold this pose for several minutes. You can start with one or two minutes at first, but the idea is to increase your stamina and gradually keep it up for five or more minutes.

The position of your body during the exercise

  • Feet: You may have trouble keeping your balance, so increase the pressure on your abs.
  • Legs: These should be in a straight line and against each other so that you can maintain pressure on your abs and the lower part of your spine.
  • Buttocks: You should keep your glutes contracted throughout the exercise, as they activate several muscles in the lower part of your upper body at the same time.
  • Lower back: This part of the body is very important for the proper execution of this exercise. Your lower back should remain straight. Never once should it be bent. Imagine it being pressed firmly against a wall.
  • Abdomen: For the entire duration of the exercise, you should have your abs tightened so that you feel the pressure. However, don’t hold your breath.
  • Elbows: Your elbows should be under your shoulders in a straight line so you don’t overextend them.

Tips for beginners

The idea behind the plank exercise is to hold this position for as long as possible. It’s not exactly a simple exercise, but the benefits are amazing. If you are not used to a lot of movement and want to start this routine, you can start by holding the pose for ten to fifteen seconds. If you train regularly, you can start with two minutes. After this time, you can rest briefly and do a total of five repetitions.

If you’re a beginner, don’t try to break a world record right away. Remember that you should gradually increase your time until you can hold this position for a few minutes without any problems.

Benefits of the plank exercise

  • Shaped glutes: This exercise works the muscles of the glutes and hamstrings. Due to this fact, it helps to shape your glutes while also fighting cellulite.
  • Stronger back: The plank works the muscles of the back, shoulders and neck. This exercise is recommended to prevent future problems in the neck and lower back. It’s also a good way to relax the muscles in your back after heavy lifting.
  • Shaped Legs: You may feel a burning sensation in your legs while performing this exercise. Don’t worry, because that means you’re doing the exercise right.
  • Flat Abs: This position forces the side and lower abs to contract and shape. 

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