A Natural Treatment For Acne On Your Chin

Do you suffer from acne on your chin? Find out why and how you can treat it naturally!
A natural treatment for acne on your chin

When treating acne, you need to do it two ways at the same time. Internally, by watching what you eat. Externally, by cleaning your skin and applying restorative treatments. But acne on your chin is also linked to hormonal factors. These, of course, need to be addressed.

Find out how to treat acne on your chin and say goodbye to this annoying condition for good. You can read all about it in this article!

There are more types than just acne on your chin

Acne is a condition that affects the oil glands in your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. It’s not a serious health problem, but it’s an obvious aesthetic problem that can affect your confidence. In addition, it can cause lifelong scars.

We often talk about acne in general, but there are different types. This depends on the body part and what it looks like. In addition, there are many different causes.

When it comes to acne on your chin, it’s often hormonal. You can see that on the reflexology charts. It is something to keep in mind if you decide to tackle the acne.

 Your eating habits

Milk products

The first step to take is to review all the foods you eat. Some are harmful to your skin. They can also cause or worsen acne. You should eliminate a number of foods from your diet. These include:

  • Milk and milk products, including cheese
  • Red meat and processed meats, especially pork
  • Fried and Refined Foods
  • Ready-made baked goods
  • table salt
  • White sugar

There are also foods that you should include in your diet. These include:

  • Fruit
  • Vegetable
  • beans
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • whole grains
  • Nuts and seeds

You should also increase your water intake. Drink two liters a day to improve the detoxifying processes in your body. Plus, drinking water helps to make the most of the fiber in these foods.

Cleaning the face

Wash face

On the outside, you should clean your skin thoroughly. Always use natural products for this. These moisturize your skin without adding too much oil. Here are a few tips:

  • Wash your face every morning.
  • Clean your face thoroughly twice a week. Use the peel of pineapple for this. This contains an anti-inflammatory compound called bromelain. Peel a piece of pineapple and rub the inside against the affected skin. Then wait a few minutes to let it dry. Then wash your face again.
  • To make a moisturizing treatment, you can mix 100 ml of jojoba or coconut oil with 15 drops of tea tree oil and 15 drops of chamomile essential oil. This combination is moisturizing and calming. It also balances the skin. Not to mention, this treatment is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
  • Wash your face and use a night cream every night before going to bed.

Hormonal Balance

As we mentioned, acne on your chin is closely linked to your hormone system. However, you can take certain foods and supplements that naturally balance your hormones. Some of these foods are:

  • yam
  • maca root
  • Nutritional yeast flakes
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Fennel
  • Sage
  • Avocado

It is best to consult an expert. This can determine which remedy is most suitable for you  . The expert can also determine which hormones are out of balance.


Stress and negative emotions can also play a role in acne on your chin. In addition, they can make it difficult to get rid of the acne even if you follow the directions given above.

Your nervous system can affect the function of every organ in your body and prevent it from healing. That is why you have to ensure balance. Here are a few ways to work on that:

  • Do a moderately strenuous workout twice a week. You will then notice that this immediately makes your body more relaxed.
  • Get a good night’s sleep. Sleep in a dark, quiet room and take plenty of hours of rest.
  • Meditate for a few minutes each day, when you need it most.
  • Also avoid things that cause you stress.
  • If you do feel stress, take ten slow, deep breaths.
  • Take supplements or drink medicinal teas with a calming effect. Suitable varieties are passion fruit, lemon balm, lime blossom and lavender.
  • In addition, avoid products such as coffee, white sugar, carbon dioxide, alcohol and caffeinated teas.
  • Finally, eat more stress-reducing foods such as oats, brown rice, nutritional yeast, almonds, bananas and citrus fruits.

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