Behavior That Can Lead To The End Of A Relationship

We cannot assume that our partner will change if we have never told him that his behavior is bothering us. This would rather ensure that our relationship comes to an end. 
Behavior that can lead to the end of a relationship

The end of a relationship can sometimes cause us to ask ourselves, “Why, if everything went so well?”

However, are you sure everything went well? In this article, we’ll discuss some of the behaviors that may indicate that your relationship may be going wrong.

Relationships don’t end overnight for no apparent reason. We may have engaged in a certain behavior without realizing how harmful it could be. 

Let’s look at a few examples.

Behavior that can lead to the end of a relationship

1. Constantly criticizing your partner

Woman criticizing her partner

One of the first behaviors that can lead to the end of a relationship is when we constantly criticize our partner. For example, about how he looks, how he drives, the clothes he wears, the way he talks and so on.

Our criticism has a purpose: to change the other. This is something that will never be possible. It’s an attempt to manipulate the other person and turn them into someone they simply aren’t.

To maintain a healthy and solid relationship, partners must fully accept each other for who they are.

If you don’t like your partner the way he is, you have two options: accept this or leave your partner.  Constantly criticizing someone, however, is never an option.

2. Your partner insults you all the time

Is your partner fooling you? Does he humiliate you every now and then? If this is how you feel, but you don’t show it to your partner, then you’re not doing anything to fix the problem.

Sometimes our partner hurts us in some way. But we say nothing about this in the name of love.

The most likely reason is that we suffer from emotional dependence. This makes us unable to say, ‘I will not tolerate this; I am leaving.’

However, it is important to remember that a healthy relationship requires two partners to respect each other. If not, this will undoubtedly be one of those things that can herald the end of a relationship.

3. It’s always the other person’s fault

Partners blaming each other

Of all the behaviors that can end a relationship, this is definitely one of the most obvious. We are talking about behavior where the blame is always placed on someone else. Of course, that means that this person never takes responsibility for anything.

For example, imagine a woman getting mad at her partner for putting his feet on the table. She blames him, when in reality they have been together for two years. She’s never told him not to put his feet on the table before.

Who is really to blame in this situation?

It’s very easy to put the blame on someone else.  Not just for these things but for other things we don’t realize.

The woman should have made it clear from the start that she doesn’t like it when her boyfriend puts his feet on the table. Instead, however, she tried to get her partner to “guess” that it was bothering her.

This attitude is not correct. The woman is therefore the one who has to take responsibility for the situation. That way she can learn from it and apply this lesson to future issues.

4. Silence and Indifference

There is a certain kind of attitude that is quite toxic and aims to manipulate the relationship. In this case we are talking about silence and indifference.

Things like accusations or criticism can make a person choose to remain silent and indifferent to “punish” their partner.

This includes not only showing disrespect to his partner but also trying to make his partner submit to him.

When our partner tries to punish us for saying what we’re thinking or what’s bothering us and does so by ignoring us, then it’s time to end the relationship.

5. Your partner forces you and demands things

Couple arguing in the street

This has a lot to do with the unconditional acceptance we talked about in the beginning.

Forcing our partner and demanding certain things from him is also one of those things that can signal the end of a relationship.

We cannot enforce or demand anything from our partner. He is a free person that we must respect without making any attempt to manipulate him with our whims.

If this is happening in your relationship, then it is important to rethink your relationship. Manipulative attitudes are very toxic.

Does this behavior look familiar to you in your relationship? If you become aware of it in time, you can end it before it ends your relationship.

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