Brave People Pick Up The Pieces And Rebuild Themselves

Everyone is brave in their own way. We all face difficulties to overcome. So be proud of your courage!
Brave people pick up the pieces and rebuild themselves

Brave people don’t always make the news. The world is full of anonymous heroes and unknown individuals who perform inconspicuous deeds and overcome adversity.

Everyone admires someone who has handled a traumatic event with ease. Everyone admires people who have overcome an illness, a loss, a fracture or an accident. The fact remains, however, that brave people have each known their own circumstances.

It is possible that you have recently experienced a similar situation. Whatever it was, you picked up the broken pieces and rebuilt yourself step by step and day by day. At every metaphorical crossroads you have shown hope and courage.

You can learn from this that you can’t always learn from a book or in a course about personal growth. Certain knowledge can only be acquired from experience, because you have no other choice. We will elaborate on this in this article.

You are braver than you think; you too belong to the brave people

She-wolf as a symbol for courageous people

Your mind reacts with resistance to change. This one doesn’t like unforeseen events and sudden changes in the way we look at things.

Although your mind has a hard time believing, there are plenty of psychological tools you have to deal with difficulties. Your natural instinct is there to ensure your own survival.

  • So when negative feelings threaten to overwhelm you, your internal compass will give you a nudge in the right direction. It will show you how to find your way back.
  • The problem is that you don’t allow yourself to be vulnerable. Being hurt or disappointed, torn by loss and betrayal, can make you feel weak. You lack the energy needed to recover.
  • However, we want to be very clear about one thing: you have to embrace your newfound vulnerability before you can get stronger. Accept what happened and the pain you feel now. That is an essential part of your future healing. On the other hand, someone who resists will also need much more time to overcome these trials.

Rebuilding yourself takes more than just time

repair heart

Although it is a popular saying, time alone cannot heal everything. In fact, time can actually make the pain worse or lead to an emotional disturbance. True healing comes when you have the courage to surrender to acceptance, forgiveness, and the will to be happy.

Time will not solve your problems. It also does not work as a pain reliever for suffering. Only your own attitude will make you understand that some things you should never forget.

The time that passes can have a positive effect when someone makes the decision to open up to the world again. By learning more about what happened, they still go out into the world. This despite all the inner suffering.

Some battles you have to fight alone

Whatever the difficult situation you face and overcome, you will always need the social and emotional support of loved ones.

  • Yet you are the one who has to take the first step. You must have the willpower to take care of yourself. After all, you deserve to set everything in motion and improve your situation through change.
  • It may sound harsh and heartbreaking, but overcoming depression, loss, or betrayal is a lonely act. The process ultimately depends on only one person’s contribution: yours.
  • No one can cry for you. No one can give you the strength to get up every day and change your habits. Others can encourage and guide you, but the responsibility is always yours. You will have to take the step yourself to become one of the brave people.

You learn from adversity, but living and suffering are two different things. Life is the quest for happiness

Another well-known and common way of thinking is: “He who has not suffered has not learned to live.” Even “to be truly happy, you have to overcome adversity first” is something we hear more often.

Neither statement is true. Suffering is not a requirement to be happy. Rather, we think this: no one should experience something traumatic first and only then discover what it is like to feel good.

Everyone has their own story. That is a unique and exceptional frame of reference from which wisdom and personal essence flow.

Each of us belongs to the brave in our own way

We are all blessed because we have found the way that helps us overcome difficult moments. It has made us who we are today: a stronger, more focused, happy and mature individual.

We learn in life, even in calm and happy times. What is the most important? Be proud of everything you have achieved!

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