Cancer During Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

Cancer during pregnancy is a complication that can occasionally occur in women. Fortunately, science has made progress to face the situation with good hope for the mother and fetus.
Cancer during pregnancy: what you need to know

Having cancer during pregnancy is a matter of great concern to anyone faced with this challenge. Evaluating different aspects before starting treatment is essential.

Pregnancy-associated cancer is any cancer that doctors diagnose during pregnancy or up to a year after delivery. However, some experts shorten this period from one year to six months.

The diagnosis of cancer during pregnancy is a complex situation to deal with and is full of conflicting feelings. Pregnancy is a process in which one expects new life. However, cancer poses a real threat.

Because of the potential complications of cancer during pregnancy , assessing several factors is crucial in determining how to manage them. Some of the issues patients need information about include:

  • The diagnostic and therapeutic treatment plan they should follow.
  • Does pregnancy worsen the prognosis for the mother?
  • Is it advisable to terminate the pregnancy?
  • How does the tumor affect the fetus?

In this article , we are going to look at the above questions related to cancer during pregnancy and tell you more about this topic. So read on quickly.

Therapeutic schedule for cancer during pregnancy

When this situation arises, the main therapeutic goal is to heal the patient without affecting the fetus. However, this ideal goal is often very difficult to achieve. In many cases, choosing a treatment that is less harmful is necessary.

In cases where the cancer diagnosis has occurred during the first trimester and early second trimester, maternal health should take precedence. No treatment should be withheld from her, even if it could lead to the death of the fetus.

However, it is essential to emphasize the importance of assessing the type of cancer in any case. In addition, the stage, the best treatment and the stage of the pregnancy must also be considered in order to guide the patient as best as possible.

In this way, the pregnant woman will receive detailed and clear information. She can then ultimately make the decision she deems best according to her beliefs and values.

Effect of pregnancy on the disease

Doctor with a stethoscope on a pregnant belly

While there are opposing views on this subject, the idea that pregnancy does not alter the natural course of the disease is becoming increasingly relevant. The mechanism by which the mother’s body allows the growth of a foreign body may suggest a certain permissiveness of the immune system.

This larger tumor development facility is a constant subject of study and research. It could be a key to planning and developing safe treatments.

However, it seems that although in pregnancy orderly growth of pregnancy is tolerated, this facility does not seem to exist with disordered growth like neoplasia (Spanish link).

Effects of the tumor on pregnancy

There also does not appear to be a significant effect on the fetus or the evolution of pregnancy  if there is a maternal cancerous process before or during pregnancy.

The rate of miscarriage and premature birth is comparable in both cases, and only some specific cancers such as leukemia and cervical cancer increase the complications themselves. Think of problems such as:

  • infections.
  • bleeding.
  • problems with vaginal delivery.

It is therefore important to know that the fetus is rarely affected. And if it happens, then the statistics indicate that fetal complications occur to a greater extent when there is melanoma.

Basics of cancer treatment during pregnancy

There are 4 different options for cancer treatment, including during pregnancy. We will briefly mention these options below:

  • Surgery: This involves removing the tumor.
  • Radiotherapy : Also called radiation. Experts warn against radiotherapy during the first trimester. It can cause changes in fetal and mental development as well as skeletal changes.
  • Chemotherapy : Patients should avoid chemotherapy during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is especially true for drugs that alter folate metabolism, such as methotrexate and aminopterin. Treatment with only one type of chemotherapy is recommended, such as vinblastine or doxorubicin.
  • biological resources.

Breastfeeding and Cancer

Most doctors recommend that women who have given birth and are undergoing cancer treatment to stop breast-feeding their babies.

If breast surgery is being considered in the case of breast cancer, stopping breast-feeding will help reduce blood flow to the breasts. As a result, the breasts will decrease in size, which can help with the surgery.

Many of the drugs used in cancer treatment can pass into breast milk. Experts therefore recommend that you do not breast-feed if the mother is undergoing chemotherapy, hormonal therapy or targeted therapy.


Cancer during pregnancy is a very compromising situation that requires an assessment from many different perspectives. It is possible to cure cancer despite the fact that the woman is pregnant, without negatively affecting the fetus.

However, it is a delicate situation and you will understand that it is not easy to face. It is therefore advisable to consult the attending physician about all available options. They will help to understand all facets and determine the best choice.

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