Chili Peppers Vs. Cancer: The Wonderful Substance Capsaicin

Combining capsaicin with caffeine ensures that its anti-carcinogenic effects kick in. If you can’t stand the spiciness of chili, there is also the capsule form.
Chili peppers vs.  cancer: the wonderful substance capsaicin

The laboratories are constantly looking for substances that can fight cancer. Until now, however, no one had clearly demonstrated that capacity from a scientific-medical standpoint. In other words, there was no repeated empirical evidence of the effect of some natural treatments. Until they did research on capsaicin.

Recently, researchers confirmed  that capsaicin (a compound found in chili peppers) has an anti-carcinogenic effect on the structure of lung and pancreatic cells affected by cancer.  This is according to an article in the International Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment.

A certain amount of capsaicin has also been proven to kill cancer cells, but have no effect on normal, healthy cells.

Chili pepper is a source of capsaicin

The substance we will discuss is found in chili peppers, a product known to many people. In this article we will talk about a certain kind of peppers that have a ‘special bite’, or in other words are spicy. These are the peppers  that have  anti-carcinogenic power because they contain capsaicin.

Capsaicin is a substance that, as it were, causes cancer cells to ‘suicide’. It would not only slow the disease, but possibly eradicate it.

What is capsaicin and how does it work?

In this article, we will take a closer look at how exactly you can consume nutrients with this wonderful substance and how you can include them in your diet in an adequate amount.

The anti-carcinogenic effect of capsaicin

Capsaicin belongs to  the family of compounds called vanilloids. These cause the death of carcinogenic cells. This is because they literally stick to proteins of some very necessary organisms of the cell (the mitochondria) and kill them.

Most impressively, however, they not only kill the cancer cells, but  also do not damage the healthy and normal cells surrounding the tumor.

The difference between the  mitochondria of cancer cells  and healthy cells is that they have  a different biochemistry  . That is the main motivation for the selection of cells that the capsaicin attacks. This sensitivity is innate and selective for cancer cells.

From food to medicine

The consumption of this substance,  which can be found in large quantities in the Japanese pepper, chili peppers and other spicy peppers,  is therefore very advisable to strengthen our systems and thus help prevent cancer in general.

Since vanilloids, the group to which capsaicin belongs, can be found in many different nutrients, pharmaceutical predictions are that it will be available cheaply in drug form. Until then, Cancer Research UK recommends a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables to minimize the risk of cancer.

However, capsaicin medication already exists for external treatments, such as for  muscle pain and psoriasis. This opens doors to also use capsaicin to treat skin cancer, for example.

How does capsaicin work?

Capsaicin, the main component of chili, causes the self-destruction of tumor cells in prostate cancer. According to a recent study done at California University (at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center), capsaicin causes programmed or suicidal destruction of cells (known as apoptosis). This was the case in about 80 percent of the cells infected with prostate cancer. And tumors treated with capsaicin became five times smaller than untreated tumors.

According to these studies, to achieve the desired anti-carcinogenic effect,  a person weighing 90 kilograms should take about 400 mg of capsaicin three times a week.  This is equivalent to  consuming anywhere from three to eight fresh habanero peppers. WARNING: These peppers contain a high amount of capsaicin, estimated to be around 300,000 units, according to the Scoville Heat scale. This means that they are quite spicy and so your palate may not tolerate them very well. Just to give you an idea: other types of pepper, such as a jalapeño, for example, contain only about 2500 to 8000 units.

How does the chili pepper attack the cancer cells?

Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a normal phenomenon that takes place in the tissues and organs of our body. Thanks to this programmed cell death, there is a kind of balance between new cells, old cells and cells that are already dying. Cancer cells, however, gain a kind of immortality, as they affect the molecular action of apoptosis. 

Scientists have noted that capsaicin inhibits the activity of a molecular mechanism altered in cancer cells (NF-kappa beta). Normally, these molecular mechanisms would participate in apoptosis, which is not the case with cancer cells. The regulation of NF-kappa beta is altered by the cancer. And this is why cancer cells survive instead of being broken down.

The spicy component of these chili peppers also reduces the formation of proteins, which are often produced in large quantities by prostate tumors.  The protein that this tumor produces is called ‘prostate specific antigen’ (PSA). An excess of PSA is therefore the signal that there is such a tumor in men.

The diet or menu to fight against cancer

When you think of the amazing power of foods that contain capsaicin, it’s obviously  important to include these products in your diet, such as peppers and ginger, to try to prevent or fight cancer.

As mentioned earlier: the spicier the peppers, the more capsaicin they contain. Remember, these nutrients are best eaten raw. This way you can be sure that all beneficial substances are preserved.

  • Chili peppers : Chili peppers are the largest source of capsaicin. Some peppers contain more capsaicin and thus score higher on the Scoville scale than others, such as jalapenos or habaneros.
  • Tabasco:  This commercial sauce is made from tabasco presses that come from Mexico. The sauce consists of a combination of these peppers with vinegar and salt. A few drops on your meal, a feast in your mouth!
  • Cumin: This spice is less spicy, but does contain capsaicin and can add flavor to legumes. Also, cumin is the main element of the Mojo Canario sauce.
Cumin contains capsaicin
  • Curry:   One of the main elements of curry sauce is turmeric. Turmeric not only provides the yellow color, but also the presence of capsaicin.

Capsaicin and Caffeine

The power of capsaicin is further enhanced when you combine it with caffeine. This means that the combination of these can help prevent and cure cancer. It also helps in burning fat. If you don’t like the idea of ​​dipping jalapeños in your morning coffee, you can also buy the capsaicin and caffeine in capsule form. This way you avoid burning your tongue, but you will still sweat just as hard.

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