Control The Nerves With 5 Fundamental Strategies

Be aware of the fact that some aspects of our lives are out of our control. This will help us to control our nerves and avoid unnecessary worrying.
Control the nerves with 5 fundamental strategies

At certain times of the year (December, for example) or at certain times in our lives (before marriage, when we move house, etc.), it is normal to feel restless and nervous. But we can control the nerves.

Is it possible to get into a “holiday feeling” state at any time? To succeed in this, we recommend the following strategies. Apply them and keep your nerves in check.

Keeping your nerves under control under the pressures of the 21st century

Even if we don’t want to, our lives seem to keep changing us. We are stressed, irritable, angry with everyone…

The daily vortex gives us no chance to relax. We can’t even stop for a minute to recharge ourselves or let the pace of our heartbeat drop.

The only time we can fully relax is during the holidays.

And sometimes that doesn’t work either. Because two weeks is not enough time to de-stress ourselves from everything that has accumulated throughout the year.

Or maybe you managed to control your nerves while laying on the beach. But the first day you’re back in the ‘real world’, your ‘zen’ is gone with the sand and waves.

Is it easier for human beings to be nervous than to remain calm?

It is true that our minds are restless. The mind also has a persistent need to explore. However, there is a big difference between this characteristic and not being able to sleep or always fighting with those around you.

That is why it is fundamental to know how to control your nerves. Because you are confronted with many situations:

  • an exam
  • a job interview
  • being late for work due to a problem on the subway
  • a device that breaks
  • an increase in your electricity bill

Tips to keep your nerves under control

Maybe you think it’s normal to live everywhere and nowhere. However, it is not good for your mental and physical health. So now, more than ever, you must learn to control your fear and your nerves.

Therefore, remember the following tips.

1. Identify what makes you nervous

Maybe your boss has a certain way of talking to you. Or he asks you to carry out certain assignments. Maybe your colleagues don’t agree to some task. Or in the city you live in, traffic is becoming increasingly chaotic.

Once you recognize the things that make you anxious, it will be easier to control your nerves.

  • If you already know that a meeting with your boss is a stressful situation, you can go there prepared for the discussion or the solution.
  • Do you want traffic to stop causing you problems? Then try a different route or leave home earlier.

2. Breathe Consciously

This is connected to the previous point. A good technique to keep your anxiety or nerves from overpowering you is to be able to breathe consciously.

What does this mean? It means you have control over the air going in and out of your lungs.

Maybe you’ve never thought about this.  When we are very stressed, our breathing becomes shallow, suffocating and difficult.

If this happens to you, close your eyes. Breathe in and out deeply several times. You will be able to control certain emotions. It’s also a great way to avoid an argument or avoid saying something you’ll regret later.

  • Conscious or deep breathing tells our brain that everything is going great and that we don’t have to worry.
  • We also recommend that you don’t wait to start breathing better until you’re in a stressful situation. Instead, make it a habit. It will turn you into a more serene person.

3. Put the tensions aside

Keeping the nerves under control

It can also happen that our nerves kick in when we ask too much of ourselves. We hope everything goes perfectly. This ensures that we sleep less and cannot stay calm. We cannot accept failures or mistakes. Maybe that’s why we don’t allow ourselves to relax.

Of course, this doesn’t mean we should stop expecting the best of ourselves. On the other hand, we have to accept that sometimes things don’t go the way we expected.

We ask ourselves what will go wrong. Change this sentence to “What will go well?” . Even when faced with bad news or bad experiences, we can learn from what happened.

4. Don’t worry about the things you can’t control

This is an Arabic saying. “If the problem has a solution, why are you concerned? And if the problem has no solution, why are you concerned?”

In many things we do not have the power to change, improve or control them. And contradictoryly, these are the things that make us most nervous.

It rains on the day of your wedding. An accident happened on the highway. Your colleague is sick on the day of an important meeting. Those are all coincidental things. So you have to learn to deal with it as best you can.

This will relieve some of the pressure and give you the opportunity to enjoy life a little more.

5. Get in touch with nature

Contact with nature helps with nervousness

Sit in the park. Go camping and hear the birds sing. Walk along the coast. Those are all activities that we highly recommend to keep the nerves in check.

The contact with nature has an almost ‘magical’ and inexplicable effect.

This may be because it gives us the opportunity to return to a more pure and upright state. Or because it is an encounter with mother earth. The truth is that these infamous ‘escapes’ to a place outside the city recharge our batteries in impressive ways.

Hiking in the forest or in the mountains, walking along creeks or cliffs and staying more than one night in a place that is not polluted by light or noise are all important for not feeling so nervous.

You can also take advantage of your weekends. So don’t just wait for the holidays to enjoy this great advantage.

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