Discover The Ideal Foods For Your Body Type

No matter what body type you have, you should always follow a balanced diet and avoid foods rich in saturated fats. Discover the ideal foods for your body type.
Discover the ideal foods for your body type

Your body type says more about you than you might think. It says a lot about your habits and about the ideal foods that are most suitable for you.

Pay close attention and find out what the ideal foods for your body type are!

Apple Shaped Body Type or the Triangle

This shape is characterized by a larger stomach than the chest, giving the body a shape similar to that of an apple.

The best thing you can do if you have this body shape is to eat smaller portions while still eating the same amount throughout the day. For example, it is better to eat six times a day, about every three hours, than to eat three times a day.

The ideal foods for you

For example, try eating more of the following:

  • Products rich in fiber
  • fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Vitamin C
  • Skim milk

If you usually eat yogurt, you should opt for a variety that helps regulate your digestion.

Foods to Avoid

Try to stay away from foods that make you feel bloated and cause a lot of gas,  such as:

  • fast food
  • Bread
  • beans

Banana Body Type or the Rectangle

You have a rectangular body shape if you have narrow hips and a small waist. You notice that you don’t gain weight as quickly as others do.

Still, there are some recommendations for your diet that you should follow.

The ideal foods for you

Increase your use of plant-based protein-rich ingredients. You should also include healthy fats in your diet, such as:

  • Avocados
  • Almonds
  • salmon

Foods to Avoid

Although you don’t have any weight problems, don’t eat too many sweets or saturated fats.

Pear body type or the triangle

If you have a pear-shaped body, you have large hips and thighs.

In this case, you are a person who often has fat build-up in these areas. You are also likely to retain a lot of fluid.

The ideal foods for you

Body type and protein-rich products

If you have a pear-shaped body type, you should include the following products in your diet:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • High-protein foods

Also remember that there are many fruits, such as watermelon and pineapple, which are ideal for cleansing the body. You should also drink more green tea.

Hourglass Shaped Body Type

Body type and whole grain products

If you have equally wide hips and shoulders, your silhouette is similar to that of an hourglass.

Although it is one of the most desirable body shapes, you have to be careful because you will have weight on both the upper and lower body. This can result in you appearing fatter than you are.

These people usually have higher glucose levels. To avoid this and to manage these levels, the best thing you can do is eat five meals a day.

The ideal foods for you

Try to eat more whole grains. Think for example of rice, pasta, bread, cookies, etc.

Foods to Avoid

Try to eliminate foods made with refined flour. The reason for this is that it is not easily digested.

You should also avoid foods that are high in sodium. Salt is very often the cause of excessive water retention.

Inverted Triangle Body Type

Body type and rice

Bodies shaped like inverted triangles are characterized by shoulders much wider than hips, a waist that is too small, and thin arms.

The ideal foods for you

Try to increase your consumption of foods rich in fiber. Sometimes people with this body shape have digestive problems.

Foods to Avoid

Be careful when it comes to animal protein. Instead, opt for plant-based proteins.

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