Discovering Yourself Determines Your Happiness

Are you a happy person or would you like to be happier? Discovering yourself makes people know that perfection doesn’t exist and therefore they are better able to be happy: they set more realistic goals.
Discovering yourself determines your happiness

Are you a happy person? Or would you like to be happier? Have you ever heard of discovering yourself?

By getting to know yourself really well, you take a very important and big step towards being happy.

You will then be the architect of your life yourself and live a happy life and be able to get the most out of your life.

The concept of happiness

Discover yourself and be happy

Happiness is a state of well-being, personal satisfaction and completeness.

In this state, a person feels happy, fulfilled and resistant to the unknown.

According to experts, self-discovery is one of the most important determinants of happiness. It is discovering your own personality.

Another important factor is being  aware of your identity, values, possibilities and skills. 

Discovering yourself is the key to being happy

Discovering yourself is the key to being happy

The first step is to realize that only you determine and control your life. You have to realize that you are a unique miracle that is part of a greater and varied whole and that you have many options for self-fulfillment.

Observe your own thoughts, your feelings and the results you achieve. 

Don’t be too hard on yourself, just observe.

change your mind

When negative thoughts come up, think of something else and study the impact of those thoughts.

The key is to be happy instead of fear. Instead of constantly focusing on your fears, you need to be able to bring forward a positive feeling or positive thoughts to suppress the negativity. Be happy that you are alive and think about all that you are capable of as a result. After all, fear only increases by constantly focusing on it.

Discovering yourself: a few steps

Controlling your feelings and emotions has been proven to help you become happy. Your level of happiness can be measured based on your interpretation of how you deal with what happens to you.

Things happen to you all the time, all day long. Some things are more likely to be negative, others positive. But really, all that matters is how you deal with these events and not the events themselves.

This interpretation is influenced by factors such as your feelings, your self-image, your attitude to life, your environment and above all your reaction to events.

Achieving happiness

Being happy does not mean that you can constantly do what you want, but that you are happy with what you do. Try to enjoy the little things around you every day.

Well-being is not the same as being happy, being happy is an attitude. 

According to research, looking back on happy moments in the past triggers a certain, positive response in the brain.

The key to happiness starts with feeding positive memories to your brain. That way you can easily influence your mood through the production of serotonin.


Make sure you have a goal when you get up. It doesn’t matter if the goal is big or small. When you have a predetermined goal or plan, this has an influence on the further course of your day.

Negative feelings change your inner world. That is the place where you manage your emotions, where you are optimistic in the here and now and where you generate positive thoughts.

These positive feelings help your body release endorphins. These hormones have a positive influence on your health and the environment. These endorphins also make you love life more.

A few necessary words

Some words that can change your view of the world are: please, thank you and I’m sorry. On the basis of your language use, people can see how you stand in the world, because you use language to express yourself.

  • Please open a door to interaction with another person.
  • Thank you expresses gratitude, which is always remembered.
  • I’m sorry  is therapeutic. You understand the things you have been through and you forgive yourself and others.

Discover advice for yourself

  • Get to know yourself really well.  When you really understand yourself through and through, you can better accept things and work on yourself better. It’s impossible to change anything about yourself if you don’t know who you are.
  • Avoid excessive self-criticism and the ever-present perfectionism. Hyper-perfectionists are always dissatisfied and that makes them negative.
  • It has been proven that unhappy people are more likely to be sick and suffer from migraines than happy people.
  • It is important to regularly enter into an inner dialogue with yourself.
  • It is said that you can only be happy if you are willing to fail, because it teaches you what is important and what is not.

Set goals

It is important to set goals step by step. In other words, keep your end goal in mind and set intermediate goals. By achieving these smaller goals you will slowly but surely reach your final goal.

Work on achieving the smaller goals daily to reach the ultimate goal. Most important of all is to never lose your inner motivation.

Are you ready to walk the path to happiness?

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