Drink More Water With Ease: 7 Simple Tips

If you find it boring to drink water, you can spice it up by adding pieces of fruit or aromatic herbs. This makes drinking water a lot more pleasant. Then you can gradually replace it with plain water.
Drink more water with ease: 7 simple tips

Drinking water more often during the day, how many times have you made this appointment with yourself? Only to then fail to keep the promise for the umpteenth time.

This simple habit is one of the best ways to prevent many different health problems and diseases.

Drinking water more often, however, does not have to be a difficult task. In this article, we’ll share seven easy ways to get it done every day with ease.

Drink more water to improve your health

If you are determined to drink more water, it is important to know that this habit will affect your health in a very positive way:

  • Drinking water more often improves kidney function.
  • Relieves pain and inflammation, especially in the knees and neck.
  • Makes skin and hair look healthier.
  • Fights constipation.
  • Reduces fluid retention and swelling.

1. Make sure you always have a bottle of water with you

Drink water more often by always having a bottle of water with you

Our first piece of advice to help you remember to drink more water is to make sure you always have a bottle of water with you. Make sure that it fits at least one liter and that you fill the bottle twice a day.

Take this bottle with you wherever you go. This allows you to drink water more often with ease, without wasting time.

Join those who always carry a bottle of water with them!

2. Lemon and Ice Cream

If you find it difficult to drink water because you are used to drinking beverages like juice, coffee and soda, you have to go through some sort of “detox” process.  That way your body can get used to drinking water. The more your body gets used to it, the more you will enjoy it.

A good way to start this change is to drink water with lemon and ice. You can even add a few drops of stevia to make it sweeter without adding calories.

Little by little you can make your lemonade more watery.

3. Drink flavored water

Drink more water by giving your water a taste

Another option to make it easier to drink water more often is to give it a taste.

To do this, leave your water with some fruits, flowers or aromatic plants in it for a few hours.

Not only does this make the water look colorful and tastier, but it also has a fantastic taste, which will make you more likely to drink it more often. Its attractive look may even convince the people around you to try it too.

4. Set alarm or notification to remind you

If after trying the above tips you still find it difficult to drink water more often and you only think about it at the end of the day when you don’t have time to drink the required amount, you can also try these Try a practical solution: set an alarm or a notification.

This will help you drink a few sips every so often, rather than drinking very large amounts at once.

You can even choose to stick a post-it on your desk, fridge or mirror. At some point, drinking water will become a regular part of your daily routine.

After reminding yourself in this way to drink more water for a while, you will no longer need all these reminders.

5. Make sure you get enough exercise

Drink more water by doing more exercise

One way to get into the habit of drinking more water is to make your body sweat more, which makes you thirsty.

The best way to achieve this is to train intensely twice a week.

Just exercising once will probably help you to drink half a liter or liter more water without any effort. Your body will ask for this itself.

6. Drink water at appropriate times

To take advantage of the medicinal benefits we have mentioned above, make sure you always drink water on an empty stomach.

  • The best time to drink water is in the morning just after you get up, before you have eaten anything.
  • Drink two or three glasses of water early in the morning by sipping slowly.
  • You can drink the rest of the recommended daily amount throughout the day.

If you sleep fairly lightly or poorly, don’t drink water right before going to bed.

7. When your hunger is actually thirst

Drink more water by distinguishing between hunger and thirst

Did you know that we often eat, when we are actually not hungry? That’s because we mistake our thirst for hunger. Try the following experiment. 

If you think you are hungry between meals, drink plenty of water and wait a few minutes. By doing this, you will not only drink more water, but it will also help you control your weight. Simply because you will snack uncontrollably less often.

Drinking a glass of water half an hour before a meal can also help you eat less.

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