Eight Early Signs Of Renal Failure

While some of these symptoms may seem quite normal, if you are experiencing any of them, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor to rule out renal insufficiency and other kidney problems.
Eight early signs of renal insufficiency

Our kidneys have the responsibility of detoxifying our bodies by expelling toxins from the body through the urine, which is why renal insufficiency is so dangerous.  In addition, our kidneys also have the task of balancing the level of sodium, calcium and other important substances in our body.

However, sometimes too many toxins accumulate in the body, preventing the kidneys from functioning optimally. This also affects certain important processes in the body. Ultimately, it can even lead to the development of diseases that affect our health.

Renal insufficiency

The most worrying thing about renal insufficiency is that it is difficult to detect this problem in time. And as time goes on, it becomes more and more difficult to treat the problems that kidney failure causes.

Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the symptoms that could potentially indicate this problem. Below we share the eight main symptoms of renal insufficiency. Being aware of these symptoms will make it easier to determine if you are indeed experiencing this problem.

1. Changes in your urine


Changes in your urination habits, as well as changes in your urine composition, are early signs of kidney failure.

It is common for people with renal insufficiency to notice changes in their urine as the kidneys produce this urine. For example, kidney insufficiency can mean that we have to go to the toilet more often at night or that we often have to urinate very often during the day.

When you suffer from renal insufficiency, it is also common for your urine to be much darker than normal – it can even appear almost orange. In addition, the smell of your urine will be stronger or unpleasant.

2. Edema or Swelling

Fluid retention or edema can both result from renal insufficiency. This is because there is an imbalance in the physical inflammatory processes and too much fluid accumulates in the body tissues.

You may experience swelling in:

  • The feet
  • The legs
  • the ankles
  • The face
  • The hands
  • The stomach

3. Acne


When toxins remain in the bloodstream as a result of kidney failure, these toxins can cause acne. This is because these toxins are sent out through our pores, sometimes affecting the natural oil production of our facial skin.

As a result, you will get pimples on your face accompanied by an itchy feeling that can become almost unbearable.

Acne can be controlled by using external remedies. However, if your acne is caused by renal insufficiency, it is also necessary to cleanse your kidneys.

4. Lower back discomfort

Lower back pain or pain on one side of the body can also indicate the development of kidney disease.

While these symptoms can easily be confused with regular muscle aches, it’s important to keep an eye out for them, as they could also be symptoms of cysts, kidney stones, or liver disease.

5. Nausea and Vomiting


While nausea and vomiting can of course be caused by a variety of factors, it is also very plausible to think that kidney failure is the culprit. Especially if these symptoms are accompanied by other symptoms that may indicate a problem with the kidneys.

Renal insufficiency can cause nausea and vomiting because in this case the body is no longer able to completely remove waste products, so that the systems in your body can no longer function properly.

6. Dry Skin

As renal insufficiency progresses, the body gradually becomes dehydrated and loses its ability to use fluids properly.  This also makes the skin drier.

7. Dizziness

In some cases, patients who suffer from kidney failure and infections also develop anemia, which is something that should be detected as soon as possible.

It is important to consult your doctor in case you experience persistent dizziness, light-headedness and fatigue.

These conditions occur because there are not enough red blood cells in the body, so that the brain does not receive enough oxygen.

8. Lack of Appetite

Lack of appetite

Someone who has always eaten normally and suddenly has no appetite at all, should always check whether he suffers from a certain condition.

While kidney problems are not the only factor that can cause a loss of appetite, this possibility should not be overlooked.

Interestingly, kidney failure can also sometimes cause the hiccups, which makes a person feel full all the time.


Renal insufficiency can be treated well when detected at an early stage. However, if not detected, this problem can eventually lead to serious conditions such as hypertension, chronic fluid retention and infections.

So keep an eye out for these early signs of kidney failure and see your doctor if you think there’s cause for concern.

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