Eight Effective Remedies To Treat Styes

You can treat styes with a number of home remedies, including garlic. Good hygiene is also important so that the eye remains clean.
Eight effective remedies to treat styes

Stye are infections caused by a bacteria that lives near the eye and can affect us in different ways.

  • External styes usually occur in the sebaceous glands located on the edge of the eyelid, at the base of the eyelashes, or in the sweat glands.
  • Inner styes are the styes that occur on the inside of the eyelid.

These infections are usually accompanied by a red bump on the affected eye. These bumps are filled with water and pus and should not be popped. This is because the bacteria in the bump can then spread to other parts of the eye and cause more styes.

The problem with this is that these new styes are usually more painful. The good news is that styes are not dangerous to the eye or overall health.

A stye usually disappears after a week. When your immune system has neutralized the bacteria, the stye breaks down on its own without causing any damage.

Complications rarely occur. In the case of complications, the retina can become irritated or an infection or deformity can develop in the eyelid.

The symptoms that may indicate the development of a stye are:

  • feeling like your eyelid droops
  • redness along the lash line
  • sensitivity to light
  • excessive blinking
  • constant tears
  • blurred vision

Why do styes form?

Cleaning eyes

The main cause of this problem is bacterial infections. These infections are caused by the sebaceous glands in the eye becoming blocked.

When these glands become clogged, it can lead to an infection, just like acne on:

  • the face
  • the chest
  • in the neck

Other factors that can cause the formation of styes are:

  • lack of hygiene
  • bad eating habits
  • too much to your eye
  • use dirty towels
  • dehydration
  • problems with the immune system

Home remedies to treat styes


While strong mixtures can generally cause irritation when they come into contact with your eyes, garlic juice can help soothe infections quickly. Garlic will help the infection heal quickly thanks to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

Just crush a few garlic cloves and apply the juice that comes out on the affected eyelid. The properties of the juice will be absorbed through the skin and even have a beneficial effect on internal styes.

When applying the garlic juice to your eyelid, make sure that the juice does not get into your eye itself. It may therefore be wise to use a cotton swab.


Because potatoes have several astringent properties, they can help to reduce inflammation and reduce swelling. At the same time, swelling prevents blood from reaching the affected area of ​​the eye properly.

All you have to do is grate a potato, put a little grated potato on a piece of gauze and press it gently against the affected eye. This will make the stye disappear.

Maintain good hygiene

Shit on the eyelid

Poor hygiene is the main cause of styes. If you feel a stye coming on right now or if you are constantly having styes, make sure to keep the area around your eye clean.

This way you can be sure that dirt and bacteria cannot collect.

Green tea and chamomile tea

Do not throw away the tea bags after drinking a cup of green tea or chamomile tea, but instead keep them in the refrigerator. Then hold the bags directly against your eye when they are cold.

The antioxidants these teas contain will help fight the infection quickly and get rid of your stye .

aloe vera

Aloe vera gel against styes

Aloe vera is very well known around the world these days, so you probably already know about the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that this plant has.

The gel hidden in the leaves of this plant is very helpful when applied directly to the affected eyelid. All you have to do is rub your eye with this amazing gel a few times a day until your eye is fully recovered.


Despite the downside that onions always make you cry, this bulbous vegetable is full of antioxidants and has a lot of antibacterial properties that can help eliminate bacteria quickly.

All you have to do is place a few slices of onion on a piece of gauze and then gently press this gauze against the affected eyelid. Don’t be alarmed if you have to cry a little, this means that the onion is doing its job.


Parsley to treat styes

The active ingredients in this herb can help to quickly eliminate the bacteria and pus. This will help your stye heal faster and reduce inflammation and swelling.

Put a little water and a handful of parsley leaves together in a saucepan and bring the water to a boil. Then let the mixture cool and then apply it to your affected eye.


Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that are very beneficial for your eyes.

  • Mix a little water with some turmeric and bring it to a boil.
  • Afterwards, you will have a good remedy that you can apply to your eye using a clean cotton cloth.
  • Doing this two or three times a day will help your stye heal a lot faster.

Although styes are harmless in most cases, we cannot deny that they are very annoying and in some cases even very complicated.

So if you notice that you have styes quite often, it is wise to consult an eye doctor to make sure that it is not a serious problem.

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