Eight Tips To Overcome Depression And Sadness Naturally

Even if you don’t like sports, try dedicating one hour a day to exercise if you’re having a hard time. It will help your body produce serotonin to ward off depression.
Eight tips to overcome depression and sadness naturally

Many people live with depression and sadness or melancholy, which is difficult to overcome without medication. However, the majority of patients prefer to avoid medications whenever possible as they often carry side effects and dependency risks.

In this article, we’ll give you eight essential tips to improve your mood naturally. This can be done through healthy habits that will help you not only your joy but also to restore the desire to live.

1. Overcoming Depression and Sadness with Certain Foods

Overcoming depression and sadness with certain foods

Did you know that certain foods have antidepressant properties? This is because of their nutritional values. The fatty acids, vitamins and minerals they contain, among other things, help to regulate the nervous system naturally.

It is important to eat these foods regularly, as certain nutrient deficiencies are associated with depression and sadness.

We recommend that you include the following foods in your daily diet:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Oatmeal
  • Chickpeas and black beans
  • Walnuts, almonds and pine nuts
  • Sunflower seeds and linseed
  • Avocado
  • tangerines
  • chestnuts
  • Sardines
  • Eggs

2. Overcoming Depression and Sadness with Exercise

Movement helps you on the one hand to stay in shape, to lose weight and gain muscle. On the other hand, it is also fundamental for a good mood, especially for people who often sit.

After moderate exercise, the body secretes serotonin, a hormone responsible, among other things, for feelings of joy and well-being.

3. Overcoming Depression and Sadness in Nature

Living in urban environments has removed us from nature, causing the human body to become unbalanced.

Contact with the ground or the sea, the sun’s rays, the smell of the rain, the colors of the mountains, and so on. All of these things create a sense of calm and harmony that anyone living in a city should experience.

A weekend away is therefore sometimes indispensable in the fight against depression and recharging your energy for the rest of the week.

4. Overcoming Depression and Grief with Chromotherapy

The colors we wear and that surround us play a therapeutic role for the body.  When choosing a color, we do it primarily based on our mood.

Avoid black, gray, brown and other dark shades, but instead choose one of the following colors:

  • Green: very balanced, produces the same effects as the green in nature.
  • Violet: Spiritual and relaxing, best for meditative states.
  • Blue: very relaxing, only for situations where the depressed mood is caused by stress.
  • Orange: a color full of energy to stimulate joy and vitality and stimulate creativity.
  • Red: Energy and passion, be careful not to use too much of this as it can provoke anger.

5. Overcome Depression and Sadness with Uplifting Aromas

Smells can also affect the human nervous system. To use them therapeutically, we especially recommend essential oils. You can then dilute this in a diffuser.

Essential oils possessing antidepressant properties include:

  • Citrus
  • fir
  • Basil
  • Cypress
  • Marjoram
  • Sandalwood
  • rosemary

6. Overcome depression and sadness with Bach flowers

Bach flowers are a natural therapy that helps to balance the emotions. In addition, it does not pose a risk of dependence, side effects or contraindications.

These are the most common:

  • Wild oats: good for when it is difficult to find a purpose or meaning in life.
  • Mustard: Depression with no apparent cause.
  • Gentian: Depression caused by external events.
  • Sweet chestnut: Coor emotional turmoil with a tendency to cry.
  • Star of Bethlehem: After a painful experience.
  • Wild rose (musk rose): helps to overcome indifference.
  • Gorse (Ulex): For both hopelessness and pessimism.

7. Overcoming Depression and Sadness by Keeping Looking Up

Overcoming Depression and Sadness by Keeping Looking Up

Did you know that your eye movements can also affect your nervous system?

Looking down leads to depression, while looking up promotes optimism and well-being.

Try to look up more often, as that will improve both your mood and your vision.

8. Overcoming Depression and Grief by Being Grateful

One of the best pieces of advice we can give you for overcoming sadness and melancholy is to try to be a better person.  This way you can try to give more than you receive and show your gratitude to everyone.

In other words, striving to be a little better every day will surround you with positivity and make you feel better about yourself.

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