Five Things That Happen When You Reach Your Ideal Weight

To maintain your ideal weight, erase the word “diet” from your vocabulary and replace it with the word “lifestyle.” Just being aware of this small change will make it much easier to achieve lasting results.
Five Things That Happen When You Reach Your Ideal Weight

There are a number of things that happen once you reach your ideal weight. For example, it’s very satisfying to look back and see how much change you’ve already made. All that change is the result of a staunch commitment to exercise and change your eating habits.

Now going to the gym is no longer as overwhelming as it used to be and you can lift more and more weight while training.

As for your eating habits, you haven’t eaten hamburgers for a long time and this is clearly noticeable in the way your body looks.

Read below what happens when you reach your ideal weight. Prepare yourself for the benefits and challenges of this new stage in your life.

1. Celebrate reaching your ideal weight!

Skewers with Fruit

Yes! Let’s start with the best. Reaching your ideal weight is a huge achievement. What a joy to see that all that effort has been worth it and that it’s finally time to celebrate.

However, don’t throw everything overboard right now. Almost everything you have achieved can be lost with one good party. Give your party an original touch, so that it is all about all that weight that you have lost.

  • One of the things you can do to show everyone around you how happy you are is to put on that dress that has been hanging in the back of your closet for a long time and that you can finally fit in again.
  • For example, you can also register yourself for dance lessons, which you did not dare before.
  • Or you can organize a small party for you and your loved ones. Yes, that means no pie or empty carbs. It is better to go for pieces of fruit, desserts with yogurt or other similar options.

2. Once you join the club, you can’t get out

Once you’ve decided to adopt better eating habits, you can’t just throw them away. People who have managed to reach their ideal weight are people who have started to eat in a balanced way.

Once they have reached their target weight, they must continue to eat this way to avoid falling back to their previous weight. However, to be successful all year round, you need to remember one thing that is very important. You have to erase the word diet from your mind.

Once you forget this word, you have to fill that empty space with a healthy lifestyle. In the end, it’s not just diet, but good habits that will help you maintain your ideal weight forever.

3. You can enjoy delicious food

Friends with bowl of popcorn

Now that you understand it’s a lifestyle, nothing should be off limits. Nothing should stop you from being happy.

The most unpleasant aspect of dieting is that there are always a lot of things you can’t eat. However, you are not a robot. You are a human being who has desires and feelings. And sometimes you get sad or frustrated when you don’t like something, which only makes the forbidden food more appealing.

It is no problem at all to give yourself the freedom to eat a delicious dessert or a nice piece of baguette every now and then. You don’t even have to limit yourself to once a month: even once a week can’t hurt.

Again, remember that this is a lifestyle. However, try not to take it all too closely.

You can also try some healthy alternatives to remind you of the things you miss so much. For example, opt for homemade nut bread instead of store-bought nut bread, banana chips, candies made with gelatin, etc.

4. Step on the scale more often

Of course, there’s no need to obsessively weigh yourself every day. H et does not hurt to once a week or twice a month just to stand on the scales. Especially not when you’ve had a solid workout the day before to reach your ideal weight and you suddenly find out that you are even under it.

By weighing yourself, you can clearly see how you are changing. Try to keep a record of your change. For example, if you have eaten a certain product for a week and have gained some weight that week, you can ask your nutritionist next time whether there is a connection between this.

The same goes for the opposite: you may actually feel very weak after several hours of exercise and your body weight has decreased. Then it is important to see if the plan you have drawn up with your trainer or nutritionists is suitable.

5. The skin around your arms has gone limp

flabby skin

This doesn’t have to be your fault at all – many people are simply predisposed to this. In addition, it also depends on how much weight you have lost. Anyway, your skin no longer pulls back to how it once was, but hangs limp around your body.

Some people even consider surgery to remove this excess skin and others choose to just live with it. Whatever you choose, excess skin is a sign of the effort it took to reach your ideal weight.

Welcome to this new phase of your life

When you finally reach your ideal weight, it means that you are entering a new phase in your life. Brace yourself and learn to love your body and the final result of all your effort. There may still be a small detail that you are not satisfied with yet, but you can always work on this too.

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