Foods That Don’t Mix With Soft Drinks

While it may still taste pretty good, consuming soda with some foods can cause indigestion and dangerous internal imbalances.

You’ve probably heard that soda (and certainly Coca Cola) is not healthy. Despite the fact that many people are aware of them, they continue to drink them despite the warnings.

In this article, we’ll discuss another reason why it’s better to drink fewer soft drinks and talk about the diet that doesn’t come with soft drinks.

Which food does not go well with soft drinks?

We consume foods that, in combination with other things, could be toxic or harmful to our bodies without realizing it. We are convinced that there is nothing wrong with drinking a glass of soda with a full evening or midday meal, but the combination with some ingredients can have harmful effects.

Therefore, pay attention to the following foods that you should not combine with soft drinks:



Who the hell drinks milk with soda? We are of course not talking about mixing the two liquids in the same glass or consuming the two at the same time, but there are sweet and savory dishes that contain milk.

There are, for example, tarts and cakes in which cream is processed. When this food reaches the stomach, the combination of soda and milk creates acids that cause stomach cramps, acid reflux and indigestion.


Again, we do not believe that there are people who pour Coca Cola in their coffee, but it does happen that you consume soft drinks with the main meal and then drink a cup of coffee with dessert.

Both drinks contain a high dose of caffeine , so it is not recommended to consume soda with dinner, as caffeine causes insomnia, nightmares or difficulty falling asleep.

If you drink these two drinks in quick succession, a kind of foam is formed in the stomach that is very acidic. Therefore , you will feel more alert and euphoric, but you may also experience abdominal cramps due to indigestion.


Sweet pastries are often eaten at parties. The amount of sugar that is processed in this, in combination with the sugar from soft drinks, causes a dangerous rise in blood sugar levels. It may even increase the risk of a heart attack.

You will also feel more alert due to the high dose of sugar in your body. That is why it is recommended not to drink soft drinks in combination with pastries at Christmas or at parties.

Spicy food

Spicy ingredients or spices such as chili, cumin or curry add extra flavor to your meals, but when these spices reach your body, your body temperature immediately increases (which also makes us tend to drink more).

Therefore, think extra carefully before choosing soft drinks as a drink. Soft drinks are converted to sulfuric acid at high temperatures, so if we drink this to quench our thirst or quench the spicy food, we are wrong. Drinking soft drinks in combination with spicy food causes an increase in acids in your stomach.


Try this. Place a mint in a glass and pour Coke over it. Wait for the reaction and you will see that some kind of explosion takes place! This is caused by the foaming power of the mints and the bubbles in the soda.

Now imagine what happens in your stomach when you consume the two at the same time. You don’t even want to try it, as the pain would be excruciating and the internal reaction may be dangerous.

What Happens Inside Our Body When You Drink Soda?

Soda is not good for your health, whether you combine it with other foods or not. There are even people who claim that soda can be used for anything and everything except consumption. But what exactly happens when we drink it?

After 10 minutes

A glass of soda contains 10 tablespoons of sugar. Yes, you read that right. This causes a boost for our body. Don’t get it wrong. Coca Cola does not give us more energy or make us more alert. What it does is throw blood sugar out of balance, which can actually be very dangerous.

After 20 minutes

The insulin levels in the bloodstream “rise” and the liver has to work harder to process the sugars it receives. The negative aspect is that it is converted to fat.

After 40 minutes

The caffeine begins to have an effect on the body: the pupils dilate and the blood pressure rises. We feel anything but tired and the liver secretes the sugar into the blood.

After 45 minutes

The body increases the production of the hormone dopamine, responsible for the stimulation of the brain part of arousal and stimulus. So that’s why we love soda so much: they’re like a drug for our brain.

1 hour later

The amount of calcium in the urine increases. This can also cause osteoporosis or cause our teeth to fall out or our bones to become more brittle. Phosphoric acid from soda also links magnesium with zinc

We often think that these drinks have a diuretic effect, but in reality they do not expel waste, but essential nutrients. Therefore, many people often feel weak or irritable after drinking soda.

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