Himalaya Anti-Aging Tips

Have you ever heard that pomegranate juice is better for your health than green tea? It is packed with antioxidants and also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Anti-aging tips from the Himalayas

Life expectancy in countries such as Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal and India is striking. If you are curious about the  anti-aging tips of the people of the Himalayas,  don’t miss the article below!

You have probably read reports about the people living in the Himalayas who reach an age of over 100 years. They also appear to be in very good physical and mental health.

Natural Anti-Aging Tips

How do Himalayan men and women live to be more than a century old? And where do they find their fountain of eternal youth? How do they prevent illness and pain? In other words, what are their anti-aging tips?

Questions that one asks when one sees how this population manages to reach old age in a healthy way.

However, the answer always leads to one central fact. They rely unconditionally on the riches of Mother Nature.

This is the gist of their anti-aging tips. Moreover, they live in a region with mountains, fields and fresh air. Something that is missing in our cities full of pollution and smog.

It is therefore not surprising that there are many natural products on the market that improve our health. In addition, it would extend our life expectancy. All anti-aging tips from areas where natural medicine is still central.

Anti-aging tips from the Himalayas

Sleep tight with ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an Indian powerful and versatile herb. The people of Nepal have been using it for years to treat insomnia.

The roots of the plant combat stress and encourage a good night’s sleep. And you probably know that less stress and better sleep are essential to stay young in body and mind.

Studies show that 100mg of ashwagandha at bedtime has particularly good results in patients with sleep problems.

It also looked at its effects on the brain. Research shows that levels of stress hormones decreased.  The activity of neurotransmitters also increased. Finally, thinking ability and memory also improved.

Heal your heart with pomegranate

Pomegranates are among the healthiest fruits on earth and are especially heart-healing. Many scientific studies have shown that the pomegranate contains many powerful medicinal substances.

The powerful antioxidants are three times stronger than those found in green tea and red wine. 60 grams of pomegranate per day would be enough to improve your heart health.

Anti-aging tips pomegranate

Live twenty years longer with goji berries

Goji berries are the bright orange-red fruits of the goji bush.

In the Himalayas, the berries are known as a superfood. It is said to be the most important anti-aging tip for getting old. Averages of twenty years older than elsewhere in the world would be no exception.

Goji berries contain the highest number of antioxidants of all known foods.  They also contain C, B, iron, magnesium and calcium. In addition to the health benefits, goji berries are also sweet and inexpensive.

Drink a glass of pure goji berry juice every day or eat some dried berries as a snack. This way you can fully enjoy their healing power.

Combat Anxiety and Achieve Harmony with Sandalwood

Thanks to its spicy and pungent aroma, sandalwood has long been used successfully against stress, anxiety, and depression.

Some people even swear by applying sandalwood oil to the third eye (in the center of the forehead) during meditation.

Sandalwood oil or sandal paste made from sandalwood powder. This is mixed with water and calms body and mind. The wonderful, warm wood scent calms nerves and immediately makes you calm and cheerful.

One would also be able to meditate longer if one smells sandalwood. Meditation and stress management are known to extend life expectancy by many years.

anti-aging tips meditation

Soothe stomach upset with cardamom

Do you regularly have stomach complaints, a bloated feeling and gas in the intestines ? Or do you want to boost the condition of your digestive system in general? Then cardamom is known for delivering fantastic results.

It is a pod with a fresh, minty taste, which is very often used in Eastern cuisine.

It promotes appetite, protects the mucous membrane of the stomach wall and stops diarrhoea. It also fights bad breath. In addition, it is said to have a preventive effect against the development of various types of cancers. Especially cancers of the digestive tract.

Cardamom stimulates the body and is known in the East as a powerful pain reliever.

Beam with sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is one of the most recent discoveries of contemporary medicine and is counted among the most important anti-aging tips from the Himalayas.

The shrub is native to Nepal and bears bright red and orange fruits. It is mainly used  to rejuvenate the cell structure of the skin. In addition, they protect the skin from ultraviolet rays from sunlight.

The sea buckthorn berry is one of the richest sources of vitamin C, contains powerful antioxidants and omega 7, a well-known skin regenerator.

If you want radiant and well-hydrated skin, choose a product with sea buckthorn berry as the basic ingredient. Before and after pregnancy, it is an excellent ally to prevent or soften stretch marks.

Heal your skin with neem leaves

Just like the Swedish sauna, the people from the Himalayas also know the healing effect of hot baths. They add neem leaves to it  to heal wounds and rashes.

The seed oil is also used for medicinal purposes against diabetes, gout and osteoarthritis. Its use also helps to reduce the symptoms of pneumonia, malaria and arthritis.

This versatile evergreen tree grows all over the world today and also belongs to the natural medicines as described above, which fight stress and are able to reduce muscle tension all over the body.

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