Home Recipe That Can Control Blood Sugar And Cholesterol

To see positive changes after drinking pumpkin juice, it is recommended to do blood tests before and after treatment.
Home Recipe That Can Control Blood Sugar and Cholesterol

Diabetes and cardiovascular disease are known as ‘silent diseases’ because they often have no symptoms. It is therefore very important to keep them under control. Regulating blood sugar and cholesterol is essential for preventing complications of the diseases mentioned above.

In today’s article you can learn how to do this with this very simple homemade recipe. This remedy works as an adjunct to other things necessary for controlling hormone levels and compounds associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Obviously , this remedy should be accompanied by proper nutrition that is appropriate for your condition.

What is diabetes and what causes it?

blood test via finger prick

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that occurs when insulin production in the pancreas does not function properly. It may not be producing enough insulin for the body’s needs.

Insulin has the function of regulating the sugar levels of the body. As a result, the irregularities of this hormone cause an increase in blood sugar levels. This means that diabetes is essentially not high sugar, but the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin properly.

If not controlled, diabetes can damage a number of organs or systems in the body. In extreme cases, amputation of the lower limbs may be required.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), high blood sugar levels were the cause of 2.2 million deaths in 2012, and 8.5% of adults had diabetes in 2014.

By 2030, the same organization estimates that diabetes will be the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. That is why taking care of and controlling blood sugar levels is so important.

Why should you take care of your cholesterol levels?

Maintaining normal cholesterol levels is also very important for good health. Cholesterol is a substance found in all cells of the body and it is necessary for the body to function properly.

However, when there is an excessive amount of this substance, it bonds with other substances and clogs the blood vessels.

When the blood vessels are clogged, it causes a condition called atherosclerosis. This, in turn, can cause dangerous cardiovascular disease.

The WHO confirms that cardiovascular disease, with 17 million victims, is the deadliest worldwide. At the same time, a significant group of people diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia do not receive proper treatment or control.

If you want to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, it’s important to be careful about what you eat. Also, avoid having a sedentary lifestyle on a daily basis and start moving your body to improve your quality of life.

Pumpkin Juice That Can Control Blood Sugar and Cholesterol


  • 100 grams pumpkin (½ cup)
  • 200 ml water (1 glass)

Instructions for use

  • Place the raw pumpkin pieces in a blender, then blend with water until you get a smooth texture.
  • The consistency of this drink depends on your own taste. The amount of water used in this recipe can therefore vary. It is recommended to use a glass of water, but a little more or less is also possible.
  • For best results, drink the juice every day before breakfast for a month. It is not recommended to add sugar. If you want, you can add some honey or sweetener.

What are the health benefits of pumpkin?

whole pumpkin and sliced ​​pumpkin

Pumpkins include:

  • lots of fiber
  • Vitamin A, B6 and E
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Riboflavin
  • Phosphorus

This drink can regulate not only your cholesterol and blood sugar levels, but also the triglycerides. So, how does this drink do that?

This drink promotes the release of toxins from the bloodstream and cleanses the arteries, removing bad cholesterol (LDL) and preventing cardiovascular disease.

The fiber content helps to fight constipation and improves the functioning of the digestive system. It also improves the functioning of your body by removing what it no longer needs.

More about pumpkin, blood sugar and cholesterol

When it comes to the effects it has on blood sugar levels, several studies showed beneficial results in the regulation of insulin in rats. This study was subsequently successfully replicated in people with diabetes. The scientists concluded that this confirmed that pumpkin can be effective.

Including pumpkin in your diet as a juice or soup will benefit your body in several ways. Of course, don’t forget that healthy eating is always essential to be healthy. That is why you should avoid foods that alter your blood sugar and cholesterol.

In addition, you should regularly visit a specialist doctor to monitor your general health and monitor the levels of hormones and substances in your body. It is therefore necessary to regulate them in case their levels change.

Remember that it is important to detect these abnormalities early in order to act quickly and to prevent complications later in life. Also, don’t forget to include a little exercise in your daily routine to avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

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