How Can You Strengthen Your Muscles And Lose Fat?

To get a better figure, you want to lose fat and strengthen your muscles at the same time. You can do this through certain exercises, and lifestyle habits.
How can you strengthen your muscles and lose fat?

You would like to lose those kilos, but still keep these beautiful, tight muscles. What is the best way to lose fat and still strengthen your muscles ?

You have probably wondered more than once how it is possible to lose weight without being confronted in the mirror with that sagging skin on the thighs, around the waist and on the upper arms. Your muscles also seem to lose strength.

It may sound surprising, but your diet is the most important factor in maintaining your muscle mass and beautiful, toned skin.

Combined with the right form of exercise, you will undoubtedly succeed in regaining your slender figure while remaining strong and supple. Read on and discover how best to proceed.

Tips to burn fat and strengthen your muscles

1. Keep your metabolism active

Tea with cayenne pepper

Make small changes to your diet starting today and you will immediately see that even a few small changes can produce big results.

Keep your metabolism going by not skipping meals. On the contrary, we recommend eating up to six meals a day. Does this sound unlikely? Six small meals a day give better results during a weight loss diet than eating large amounts of food three times a day.

Kickstart your metabolism by starting your breakfast with an infusion of green tea, cayenne pepper and honey. This tasty, spicy drink also contains a lot of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

You can keep the burn going by drinking a stimulating smoothie every four hours. There is plenty of choice, such as for example:

  • pear
  • pineapple
  • cranberry juice
  • pomegranate juice
  • mint juice
  • beetroot carrot smoothie

These foods are delicious and also ensure the burning of that excess fat.

2. Strengthen Muscles With Protein!

Eggs are good for muscles

Losing weight by eating protein seems impossible, but is increasingly recommended during a weight loss diet. Your body needs a well-dosed intake of proteins to strengthen your defenses, your bones and your muscles.

In addition, they provide much-needed energy to get through your day fit.

If you opt for proteins, you will also burn more fat, especially around the waist. However, keep an eye on our recommendations if you want to add protein to your diet.

Do not eat too much animal protein. There are plenty of plant-based options, such as:

  • Spinach
  • cabbage
  • lentils
  • green beans
  • Quinoa
  • almonds
  • algae
  • spirulina
  • hummus

An egg during breakfast is also a good start to the day. Remember that a boiled egg is healthier and has fewer calories than an egg cooked in the pan.

3. Superfoods that strengthen your muscles and burn fat

Oatmeal with fruit

If you start a slimming diet without a plan and you often have to deal with stress or you do not always get enough sleep, this can eventually lead to a constant loss of vitamins and minerals.

Do not start your diet without thinking, but take the time to prepare a weekly menu.

Nutritionists recommend adding several servings of “superfoods” to this menu every week. They are foods that are rich in various nutrients, but which do not ensure that you will gain a few kilos.

What are super foods?

  • oatmeal
  • Broccoli
  • pumpkin
  • salmon
  • avocado
  • grapefruit
  • cranberries
  • Greek yoghurt
  • lentils
  • Turkey
  • Chia seeds
  • fresh spinach leaves
  • tomatoes
  • green tea
  • Goji berries
  • hazelnuts

4. Get Aerobic Exercise

You probably already know that exercise is a must if you want to stay fit, slim and in good shape.  The good news, however, is that you don’t have to spend hours in the gym for this. A short daily routine is all it takes to keep your muscles toned and strong.

Here are some tips to get you started right away:

  • Set your alarm forty minutes earlier in the morning. Take the time for a healthy breakfast and go for a walk. Twenty minutes is enough to achieve quick results!
  • Then take some time for a warm shower, which you round off with a hot-cold alternating shower for the lower legs.
  • Set aside ten minutes in the afternoon to do ten crunches or some other simple exercises with weights.
  • At the end of the day, quickly hop on your bike or take a relaxing walk in the neighbourhood. Or why not go to the pool with a friend to swim a few lengths?

If you manage to carry out this daily routine, you will notice after a few weeks that you not only get rid of those excess fat rolls, but that your muscles also feel strong and tight. Stick to these simple habits and your body will stay fit, strong and in good shape.

5. An extra smoothie to strengthen your muscles

Smoothies to strengthen the muscles
What do you need for this?
  • 250 ml oatmeal water
  • 15 grams of wheat germ
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 banana
  • 3 almonds
  • 3 ice cubes
How do you prepare this smoothie?

It’s a simple, delicious smoothie that will help you burn fat faster. We recommend preparing it three times a week for a while and drinking it about half an hour before lunch.

The smoothie immediately gives you a satisfied feeling, so that you are less hungry and will also tighten your muscles.

For this smoothie, choose a banana that is not too ripe yet.

  • Put the banana, oatmeal water, almonds and wheat germ in the blender and blend until you have a smooth smoothie.
  • Then add the ice cubes and sprinkle the pinch of cinnamon on top of the juice.

This smoothie tastes delicious and the ice cubes and the pinch of cinnamon will help to keep the fat burning going.

No more expensive gym subscriptions or messing around with complicated equipment! Get started right away with these simple tips and notice that after a few weeks you will definitely lose a few pounds, while still keeping those nice, toned muscles.

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