How Do You Use Essential Oil For Your Muscles?

Say goodbye to harmful drugs for muscle pain and give these essential oils a chance. You will be amazed!

Movement problems are becoming more common. Unfortunately, there are no efficient long-term treatments  for these conditions. That is why we recommend that you use essential oil to reduce muscle and joint pain.

These conditions are caused by many things, from injuries after exercise or poor posture to natural breakdown caused by aging.

In fact, oral medications are more common and convenient to use. You can take them with you wherever you go. However  , external treatments are much more effective when it comes to muscles and joints. 

This is because our pores  easily absorb the lotion into the affected area, in a short time. 

Essential oil does all this  without harming your organs and without affecting blood pressure. 

Sometimes we would like to use these oils, but we get confused by the large amount of products available. There are a number of essential oils available that are better in certain situations than others. But which ones are best for you?

Which oil is best for the muscles?

1. Rosemary Camphor Oil

This essential oil is a popular product because it is  an analgesic and soothing for the muscles. This is exactly what we need when we suffer from muscle cramps.

As you know, muscle cramps occur in many people. This pain can be caused by using computers and mobile phones without exercising enough. Therefore, before resorting to medicine, it is best to use rosemary camphor oil on the affected areas.

However,  pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under the age of 6 cannot use this oil. 

2. Wintergreen oil

Do you have tendonitis or tennis elbow? We know these are very annoying conditions, but there is a powerful way to treat them. The essential oil for muscles and joints  is also called the ‘natural aspirin’.  It can also be used by someone who is allergic to acetylsalicylic acid.

However, women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or children under 6 should also not use this essential oil. 

In your treatment you can also  add heat locally, practice yoga and eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids. These contain many anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Eucalyptus Blue Gum Essential Oil

If you’re wondering what to do if you can’t use the above oil, don’t panic. Blue eucalyptus oil has the same benefits and can be used by almost anyone.

The pain-relieving power is very strong and it also helps to relax.

How do you use this oil?

These products are used externally. As a result, they cause less damage than traditional internal medicines.

You need to dilute this type of oil with other ingredients, such as almond oil or arnica oil. If you don’t, the essential oil can irritate your skin.

You achieve the same effect without harming your skin when you mix them with another oil.

  • Naturopathic experts say it’s best to massage the affected areas with almond oil or arnica oil. These contain anti-inflammatory properties and respond to the pain. In addition, they prepare the skin for the use of the essential oil.
  • When you are done massaging, you can apply a few drops of essential oil.
  • You feel the effect almost immediately. The pain eases in a few minutes.
  • You can repeat this treatment  four times a day. 

Unbelievable, isn’t it? We finally have an alternative to relieve pain and do all the activities we want. And best of all, we can promise that we  ‘ve found a solution that will make our lives better. 

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