How To Start A Diet: Tips To Remember

Looking for tips on how to best start a diet? First of all, try not to see your diet as a kind of punishment, but rather as a step towards a healthier, happier version of yourself. Learn more in the article below!
How to start a diet: tips to remember

Do you want to know how to start a diet that will be really effective? Then don’t let these tips pass you by!

These tips on how to start a diet can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet and prove to be a much better solution than your past attempts.

How to start a diet

1. Convince yourself you want to do it

Maybe you don’t quite believe that a diet is really necessary, but you still want to lose a few pounds or at least make sure that you feel a little better about yourself.

Remember that you will only be able to actually stick to your diet if you really believe in it – this is one of the keys to success. 

Also remember that it is important to have a clear idea of ​​the reasons why you are starting a diet. The best way to do this is to make a list of the pros and cons.

2. Focus on the before and after

Woman starting a diet

When you lose weight slowly, it can be difficult to see whether something has really changed or not. That’s why it’s a good idea to take pictures of yourself. This will help you visualize your weight loss better and you will also stay motivated.

3. Develop a clear picture of your goals

It is essential to have a very clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve with your diet. For example, if you want to have stronger muscles, it is important to eat a diet that is rich in protein.

In order not to get discouraged, it is also important to remain realistic and always pursue your goals in a healthy way.

4. Don’t eat the same thing every day

Healthy foods

You will quickly get bored if you always eat the same things all the time. After all, healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring!

Your diet can be an excellent reason to try new recipes that allow you to experiment with all kinds of fruits and vegetables, among other products of course. Let your imagination run wild and look for healthy, low-calorie recipes!

5. Don’t let yourself cheat too often

You have to be sensible and aware of the moments when you let yourself cheat a bit. If you don’t, all your efforts will eventually be in vain.

For example, allow yourself to have a small sweet once a week. Pay close attention to how often you eat something unhealthy and how much this is.

6. Chew slowly

Woman putting a big bite of lettuce in her mouth

Chewing your food very slowly will help you feel full faster and stay full longer until your next meal.

It takes your brain about twenty minutes to get the satiety signal. So by eating faster, you’ll be working a lot more in a shorter amount of time – it can even cause you to overeat.

Therefore, try to take ten minutes longer on each meal in the future.

It is also important not to do anything else while eating so that you can fully focus on the food and avoid the urge to consume anything else.

7. Don’t go to the supermarket on an empty stomach

About the worst thing you can do is go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Because of this, you may be tempted to buy the first best thing that sounds good to you at the time, and this is usually something unhealthy.

Try to make a shopping list in advance and remember to always eat something before you go to the supermarket. This will make you more relaxed and less likely to cheat.

8. Remember there is no such thing as a miracle diet

Woman measuring her waist

We’ve all heard of a miracle diet that promises to miraculously drop the pounds in no time.

Unfortunately, however, these diets don’t work at all in the medium or even long term , as they usually only make you lose fluid and muscle mass. In fact, these types of diets often only cause you to gain more weight or damage your health.

9. Watch your breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; so remember this well.

Your breakfast should consist of at least 20% of your daily calorie intake. In addition, don’t forget that your breakfast should provide your body with the energy it needs to get through the day and it would therefore be absolutely unwise to skip breakfast.

Some of the foods we recommend for a good breakfast are:

  • Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, butter)
  • Fruit
  • Ham
  • Breakfast cereals and cereals
  • Juice
  • Coffee, tea or hot chocolate

10. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water

Drinking enough water is one of the tips for how to start a diet

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is absolutely essential when starting a diet. Remember that water keeps your digestive system functioning properly.

The recommended daily amount of water is between one and a half and two liters, in the form of water, tea or even vegetable stock.

Don’t forget that, thanks to the flavonoids that many plants contain, tea is a great antioxidant. This means that tea can be very useful for reducing stress and improving concentration.

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