If Your Partner Doesn’t Know What He Or She Wants…

Do you ever feel like you’re in a one-sided relationship because your partner doesn’t know what he or she wants? Today we give you the guidance you need to face this difficult situation.
If your partner doesn't know what he or she wants...

Getting into a relationship with your partner means starting something together. Therefore, you both need to know what you want and which direction you want to go. But what happens if your partner doesn’t know what he or she wants? How should you act then? Is it time to end the relationship or issue an ultimatum? In this article we take a closer look at this situation.

A common project

In the early stages of a romantic relationship, we assume that this is the beginning of a shared life project. In other words, the relationship is moving towards a common goal and shared plans. It is a projection of a future full of shared dreams, responsibilities and efforts.

However, if a partner doesn’t know what he or she wants, then this common project simply doesn’t exist. If that’s the case, it’s practically pointless for one person to take the reins.

So setting your sights on moving forward with certain things will only lead to frustration. It can also lead to accusations from both parties in the future.

If your partner doesn't know what he or she wants

If your partner doesn’t know what he or she wants

So, what happens if a partner doesn’t know what he or she wants in a relationship? If this is the case for you or your partner, you are probably dealing with the following:

  • doubt. Everything feels confusing. Maybe one day your partner makes you feel like he or she wants a commitment, but that changes again the next day. In some ways, your relationship may seem serious, but in other things, it feels like you’re just trying things out. As a result, the ups and downs leave you in a constant state of doubt and uncertainty.
  • frustration. The indecision when someone does not know what he or she wants can cause frustration, stress and distress. Imagine putting your trust in someone who doesn’t know what to do and as a result doesn’t reciprocate your feelings. Giving more in a relationship than you get is really painful.
  • Fear of communication. You can avoid talking about your future together, be it short, medium or long term. This is because you are not sure what your partner wants, so you both shy away from these kinds of conversations.

What should you do if your partner doesn’t know what he or she wants?

speak honestly

There is no point in keeping your feelings of doubt, frustration and suffering to yourself. Therefore, the best option is to have an honest conversation with your partner. Express your emotions, ideas and dreams about your relationship.

However, you should keep in mind that your partner may not share your plans and desires or even your feelings. In addition, you can of course not force him or her. You must therefore be prepared to hear something different than you wanted to hear.

Take care of yourself

Take care of yourself first

As we explained above, it’s not easy to stay in a relationship if a partner doesn’t know what he or she wants. Giving more than you get can indeed be frustrating and heartbreaking. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself and ask yourself if this is really worth it.

If two people don’t share the same vision of a shared future, the relationship is headed for failure. So the best thing to do is to think about yourself and understand that you are going in different directions and both want different things.

Whatever happens, don’t forget what you want

Don’t get carried away by feelings for someone who doesn’t know what he or she wants. Rather ask yourself what you want for your future. What plans do you have in mind? How do you want to feel about the person you are going to share your life with?

If you’re with someone who is indecisive and who leaves you with a sense of confusion, it’s time to move on. If your partner cannot commit, then he or she is not the right person to commit you. The logic is simple.

Boost your self-esteem, maintain your dignity and say goodbye to the person who doesn’t suit you. You open the door to something much healthier and much happier.

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