Is Your Body Poisoned?

Do you often have headaches? Does your skin look dull no matter what treatment you use? Do you have concentration problems? Do you suffer from edema? Be careful, your body could be poisoned.
Is your body poisoned?

Learn how to find out if your body has been poisoned using the information below.

Many chemical reactions take place in the body with the aim of keeping the body healthy and in balance. However, this process can be disrupted by various triggers, such as viruses, bacteria, environmental pollution or solar radiation.

What you eat has a lot to do with this too. You can be your own worst enemy without realizing it. Organs like your liver (just like your lungs and kidneys) need to filter, neutralize, or control the things that can damage your body.

Due to, among other things, unhealthy food, these organs may have to work much too hard and become overworked as a result.

Your body does not know how to react to preservatives, artificial sweeteners, dyes, additives or the so-called ‘flavor enhancers’.

We see all these substances in the letters and numbers or strange names on the packaging that we buy in the store every day.

Although the substances are processed and therefore edible, they leave residues in the body that can poison you as they build up.

How do you know if your body is poisoned?

If you look at the contemporary definition of poisoning, poisoning would be a disorder, change or reaction caused by a harmful substance when that substance is ingested, inhaled or touched.

So it is a change in the body, an imbalance, which causes various symptoms.

Sometimes we ignore the signals our bodies give us and think that the symptoms are the result of other factors, such as too little sleep or too many responsibilities.

The signs that your body is poisoned are:

  • frequent headaches
  • changes in the sleep cycle
  • fear
  • irritability
  • lack of concentration
  • memory problems
  • eczema or dry skin
  • cold sores
  • allergies
  • changes in hair or nails
  • weight gain
  • edema
  • apathy

The first thing you should find out is whether these symptoms are really the result of poisoning or if they are caused by some other problem.

A general check-up with the doctor will determine this. In most cases, examinations indicate that there is nothing wrong or at least nothing to worry the doctor, yet the patient continues to feel bad.

The symptoms can be mild or progressive until they become chronic.

How do you prevent body poisoning?

We are not talking about food poisoning due to spoiled food or food that has been out of the refrigerator for too long, but about poisoning caused by the residues that harmful food leaves in our body.

The good news is that you can do something about it. Prevent further poisoning and enjoy good health.

When in doubt, however, always consult a doctor!

1. A Balanced and Natural Diet

The quality of the food you eat has a lot to do with the degree of poisoning you may experience.

  • Try to eat organic products as much as possible. You usually don’t find these products in the regular supermarket, although supermarkets are now also starting to respond more and more.
  • Avoid packaged or frozen foods or foods that require microwave cooking.
  • Eat unsprayed fruits and vegetables and always choose seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Bread with Tomato

2. Physical Activity

This is important for having a healthy body. Finally, one of the ways your body releases toxins is through sweat through the pores.

Exercise also enhances the ability and function of organs such as your lungs.  This can be noticeable in your skin, weight loss and your overall sense of well-being.

3. Enough sleep

While you sleep, your body takes time to recover and recharge.

  • It is important that you sleep between six and eight hours a day.
  • Try to go to bed and get up at the same time as much as possible.
  • A lack of sleep will cause the organs that carry out the detoxification task to tire and be exposed to large amounts of cortisol, the so-called ‘stress hormone’. This can cause and worsen the poisoning.
To sleep

4. Be happy

Learn to be happy, relaxed and grateful so that you can remove negativity from your life. It may sound very spiritual or holistic, but happiness has been proven to keep you from bad habits like alcohol abuse, fast food, sweets or salty snacks.

detox diet

Is your body poisoned? try this special diet for a week:

  • Breakfast:  Unsweetened green tea and two slices of whole wheat bread with sugar-free cranberry jelly.
  • Late morning:  An apple or pear when it’s hot outside or a cup of green tea with gluten-free toast and a few drops of olive oil when it’s cold.
  • Lunch: You can choose between steamed vegetables with grilled white fish, a veggie burger salad, brown rice with vegetables and grilled fatty fish, a salad of green lettuce, carrot, onion, olive oil and a little bit of salt.
  • Snack: Same as breakfast.
  • Dinner: Some options include grilled vegetables with mushrooms and brown rice with olive oil and bay leaf. 

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