Loving Is Not Boring, Disappointment Is

When you are constantly disappointed for a long time, at some point this breaks you down inside and makes you lose all your hope.
Being loving doesn't get boring, disappointment does

Love never runs out for people who really appreciate the time and attention. Giving love to others will not break you up. The very thing that darkens our mood is disappointment and the emptiness it creates in our relationships.

We probably all know what it’s like to give a lot of ourselves to those around us. Without realizing that there should also be certain limits.

Some people think that receiving attention, compliments, favors and affection takes little effort without realizing the importance of “give and take” in a relationship.

Unconditional love is really something that we should have a lot of respect for. For example, it is the love that a mother has for her children. In short, an unbreakable pillar that we should all understand and appreciate.

However, unconditional love is also dangerous territory for many people.

Not everyone deserves our continued affection and respect if we don’t get it in return.

When someone mistreats or betrays us, we are disappointed. In summary, that’s what we want to talk about in this article.

Disappointment slowly breaks you down

Disappointment slowly breaks you down, until you are finally forced to wake up. Until then, however, we are going through a series of complicated and emotionally difficult phases. These stages make us start to doubt a lot of things.

It is important to point out that disappointment does not always have to lead to a break in the relationship. Disappointments help us to see things a little more realistically, so that we can approach the situations that life throws at us a little more maturely.

Let’s dig a little deeper into this.

When love is blind and disappointment opens your eyes

This is something that happens especially often when we are still young: we enter into a relationship in which we idealize our partner so much that we are no longer able to see his/her shortcomings at all, because we see him/her in such a way. a high pedestal.

  • Life reminds us every day that  perfection simply does not exist and that this is not bad at all. Seeing things as they are is the best – and really only – way to maintain a relationship.
  • No one is perfect, neither our partner, nor ourselves. Everyone makes mistakes and we all have our shortcomings.
  • These initial disappointments open our eyes to the fact that to maintain a successful relationship it is important that both partners invest equally in the relationship.

Errors can be corrected. Mistakes teach us valuable lessons, and our shortcomings remind us that we are all only human.

However, we also know that not all disappointments and mistakes can always be forgiven.

Feathers and Stars

The disappointment that breaks you and hurts

Sometimes certain facts, details, words and actions arise that really open our eyes, and sometimes even forcefully, so that we can see that someone is not behaving the way we expected him to behave.

  • Of course, there will probably never be someone who can fully meet all our expectations because, as we mentioned earlier, we often tend to idealize our partner in a relationship.
  • Love should never be given blindly. This becomes even more complicated when we talk about emotions, as we are in a situation where it is difficult to control our feelings.
  • We can accept disappointment, we can forgive a mistake, maybe even five. However, when things like this keep happening, it eventually forces us to make a choice. Disappointment doesn’t just break you down; it also damages and destroys your self-confidence. It is important to be well aware of this.

I’m tired of always being disappointed

There’s no point in pushing yourself to the limit. When your heart has had enough of being disappointed over and over, it either shuts itself down or accepts the situation for what it is.

  • We need to make sure that we never get into a situation where we tolerate disappointment like it’s the most normal thing in the world and think that the best thing to do is just take it and say nothing about it.
  • It doesn’t matter if it’s your partner, parents, friends or even your kids. If there is no respect and it is clear that someone is deliberately trying to hurt you, it is because they do not understand what respect or genuine affection really means. In this case it is therefore important to react strongly.

You should figure out how to respond best the first time someone disappoints you. Once your eyes are opened to reality, the point is to address what is hurting you and realize that this is not the behavior you can build a relationship with.

If something bothers you, find out what it is and throw it out. When something is disappointing to you, talk about it and try to think of ways to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

If you continue to be disappointed, then it is important to respond more forcefully the next time. If you don’t, you will be seriously hurt and fragmented.

Don’t let this happen.

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