Natural Remedies To Lower Your Blood Pressure

When tension mounts, we can calm our nerves by applying a few drops of lavender essential oil to a cloth and inhaling this natural scent.
Natural remedies to lower your blood pressure

Doctors call high blood pressure the ‘silent killer’ because it has so many negative effects on the body. Lack of exercise, poor diet and the general lifestyle we have today can cause the problem. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you can try these natural remedies to lower your blood pressure.

Read more about it in the article below.

Causes and Symptoms of Hypertension

As mentioned above, high blood pressure can have many causes. A sedentary lifestyle, taking too much salt, lack of exercise, etc. can all contribute to the condition.

Hormonal changes, kidney disease, heart disease, the use of certain drugs and contraceptives, and the excessive consumption of alcohol can also make the condition worse.

The most common symptoms of high blood pressure are:

  • headache
  • shortness of breath
  • excessive sweating
  • a high pulse
  • blurred vision
  • dizziness
  • ringing in the ears
  • nosebleeds
  • nervousness
  • insomnia
  • weakness
  • fatigue
  • palpitations
  • seeing dark flying/swirling spots or objects.
Measuring bloodpressure

High blood pressure is a dangerous condition and can cause strokes, heart attacks and kidney failure. That is why it is important that we keep our blood pressure under control. So measure your blood pressure at least once a week.

Remember that there is no minimum age for developing high blood pressure, although most people are over 30 years old. Blood pressure is measured to see how hard the heart has to work to pump blood around the body (systolic) and how long it rests between each beat (diastolic).

Natural treatments to lower blood pressure


Both ingredients are natural diuretics that help get rid of excess fluid (which could cause high blood pressure).

  • Place a lemon in the blender (including zest and seeds) and add a handful of parsley.
  • Mix well and drink a small cup in the morning, on an empty stomach.

You can also choose to drink a glass of lemon juice mixed with the same amount of water.


Eat a bowl of oatmeal with orange juice, milk, yogurt, or plain water every day . This habit will not only help you lower your blood pressure, but also your cholesterol. It also contains a lot of fiber, which prevents constipation.

Yogurt with oats


Celery is really fantastic against high blood pressure. You can easily add it to your daily diet (salads, soups, etc). It is a very good natural diuretic that helps control blood pressure.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate (the darker the better) contains compounds that lower blood pressure. However, it is better to avoid white chocolate or milk chocolate.

Green tea

Drink three cups of green tea a day. Studies have shown that this will lower your blood pressure.


You can never have too much garlic in your diet. It helps against many ailments. In this case, it promotes the widening of the veins and prevents the formation of blood clots. One clove of garlic per day is sufficient.

You can also choose to make a tea with a crushed garlic clove in a cup of hot water. Add some lemon juice for flavor or honey to make it sweeter.

hawthorn berry

Hawthorn berries are very popular for lowering blood pressure and are one of the most effective natural remedies. It is used to treat various heart conditions, such as heart failure, angina, and high blood pressure.

It helps strengthen the heart muscle and improves the quality of the blood that is pumped. It also opens blood vessels and improves nerve conduction. All this will help lower blood pressure. Make a hawthorn berry tea and drink one cup a day.


Make a cucumber and water smoothie. Drink this every day.


  • Dampen a cloth with a few drops of lavender essential oil and inhale it through your nose.

This home remedy is especially helpful for sudden spikes in blood pressure.

olive leaves

  • First, bring  a handful of olive leaves to a boil in a liter of water.
  • Drain and then store in a glass container.
  • Drink up to two cups a day.


  • First boil the two leaves of the soursop and two oranges in half a liter of water.
  • Then let the liquid cool and then drain it.
  • Drink up to two cups of this tea per day.


  • First put  an onion (cut into pieces), seven cloves of garlic (crushed) and some lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Then pour water over it until all ingredients are covered.
  • Then let it stand overnight.
  • In the morning, drain the liquid and then immediately drink a cup on an empty stomach.
  • Do this for nine consecutive days.

Lavender oil, marjoram oil and jojoba oil

  • Mix five drops of lavender oil with five drops of marjoram oil and 20 ml of jojoba oil.
  • Then gently massage this onto your chest in circular motions.

Lime juice

  • First, mix  a tablespoon of lime juice with a little horsetail grass and fennel root in a cup of water and bring it to a boil for three minutes.
  • Then let it cool and drain.
  • Drink up to two cups a day of this mixture.


  • Press fifteen grapes.
  • Then mix this with half a glass of water and drink it before breakfast for 10 consecutive days.


  • Place a cooked  eggplant (without skin and cut into pieces) in a blender.
  • Then add a cup of water and puree.
  • Drain and drink the liquid before breakfast every day for 10 days.


  • Make a smoothie of about 30 grams of spinach, a tablespoon of honey, some lemon juice and a cup of water.
  • Drink one glass a day for three days.

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