Nesting: The Benefits Of Doing Nothing

Nesting is a technique that simply consists of doing nothing and relaxing in your own home. While there are certain instances where nesting is not practical, there are many instances where it can be very helpful.
Nesting: the benefits of doing nothing

Discover the practice of nesting and the benefits of doing nothing, because tranquility has never been closer! “Getting bored” and staying home doesn’t have to be a bad thing. This habit is known today as “nesting” and it is a very promising trend. More and more people are using this simple technique as a kind of therapy and self-discovery.

What is nesting?

A woman drinks tea

Nesting is a means of responding to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Like the “hygge lifestyle”, nesting also has its roots in the Scandinavian countries. The trend has spread all over the world.

However, there is a good reason why more and more people have decided to slow down and participate in these lifestyles. This is because they contribute to well-being by reducing anxiety and stress.

At the same time, nesting is a very economical option. Not only does it allow you to take advantage of the warmth of your home, but it also helps strengthen family ties and the bond with yourself.

It’s well worth taking a moment and reflecting on your long work days and the burden of weekend plans. If we’re honest, these plans often feel more like an obligation than something spontaneous, and they take more and more time away from much-needed relaxation.

The obligation to socialize

When it comes to our free time, we often feel the same as our children. They come home exhausted from a long day at school, only to face a whole new set of responsibilities. They have to do their homework, participate in extracurricular activities, do chores, and much more.

In the same way, there is a tendency that puts pressure on us in the way we spend our free time. We force ourselves to spend time with other couples, relatives and friends, visiting restaurants or going out, and much more.

Of course there is nothing wrong with these meetings and activities. However, the truth is that we have less and less time to simply rest and relax – and we need that more than ever today.

The same thing happens with our cell phones and the need to constantly answer messages, read emails and check our social media. All this translates into a very exhausting bout of stimuli. Plus, living the non-stop lifestyle of busy and obligations certainly doesn’t help.

On certain occasions, the body simply gets sick because it needs to rest. So this is actually the body that demands rest! Nothing bad is going to happen if you stay at home on the couch with a blanket, a warm drink, and a little space for yourself. In fact, this is something many of us secretly long for.

The refuge of a home then becomes the safest place to connect with your inner self. Nesting turns your home into a place where you can recover from feelings of burnout and enjoy your own company.

When is nesting not a good idea?

A woman looks sad

It is important to clarify that nesting is not a uniform solution, especially in the presence of clinical signs. Nesting is not recommended for people who suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, or in certain cases those who are going through the grieving process.

In these cases, people tend to isolate themselves. However, this has nothing to do with being able to stay at home to enjoy that environment. Instead of staying at home, people in these situations should seek the help of therapy and follow the directions provided by the expert.

Nesting should always be a technique that provides pleasure. Those who don’t have an active work life may see staying at home as a burden, and that’s not what nesting is about. It’s about embracing our freedom to do what we want most, despite the common social pressures to do differently.

How does nesting work and how do you do it?

Some of the rules that this tendency follows are:

  • Do the things you like to do, for example:
    • read
    • Paint
    • watching a film
    • take care of your plants
    • play with your pet
    • restore old furniture
    • to craft
  • Avoid tedious planning.
  • Do things that help you relax.
  • Live without being in a hurry.
  • Don’t pressure yourself to complete tasks other than obligations.
  • There is no problem with good company as long as you can feel relaxed while having it.
  • Be aware of and practice mindfulness. In other words, keep your mind in the present.
  • Finally, it’s a good idea to keep your house tidy. Otherwise, you may feel uncomfortable in your “little refuge.”

Aside from these tips, it’s also a good idea to allow plenty of natural light into your home. The environment and decor are important when it comes to the feeling of calm and relaxation. Some people choose to place natural plants in certain areas of their home.

Simplicity is also valuable. It makes no sense to fill your home with objects that contribute to a greater sense of chaos. The environment in your home should inspire tranquility.

If you want to customize your space, experts recommend reducing the number of unnecessary objects. Little by little you will be able to adapt every corner of your home and fill it with tranquility.

That way you can transform your home the same way you transform your lifestyle. What are you waiting for? Let’s make nesting the new going out!

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