Plants To Help You Quit Smoking

We all know that smoking is one of the most harmful habits that undermine the health of the body. How can you stop this?
Plants That Help You Quit Smoking

Unfortunately, the addiction to nicotine ensures that people remain physically and mentally dependent on the cigarette. This one even manages to set the schedule for your day and quietly wreak havoc on your health. There are several options available to help you stop smoking, both professionally and easily at home.

Smoking is said to be one of the most difficult addictions to quit. It takes immense willpower and perseverance to quit this unhealthy habit and eliminate the harmful effects of cigarette smoking.

You can take advantage of the many counseling plans and remedies available to help get rid of this unhealthy habit. Your doctor can certainly help you with this.

However, if you would like to try it for yourself, then gather all your willpower and motivation, because these will be the foundations in your choice for a healthier and fitter lifestyle.

Plants and herbs to help you

If you need some support in your New Year’s resolutions, check out the list of some plants and herbs below. They will help you quit smoking naturally. They will also help you to:

  • reduce the craving for nicotine
  • help you relax
  • take away the sharp edges of withdrawal symptoms

You can simply find them in the supermarket or health food store in your area. Applying these remedies is very easy and simple. Just add these spices to your daily menu. In addition, remember to combine the changes you make to your diet with plenty of exercise and drinking water.

Changes in daily routine will help fight the urge to light that first cigarette in the morning.

Passionflower or passion fruit will help you quit smoking

Did you know that the leaves of the beautiful passion flower can help combat the irritability and restlessness that occur when smoking cessation?

They are said to promote rest and relaxation. To prepare this remedy, it is recommended to use both the flower and the fruit in dried form.

Take a tablespoon of dried flower petals and fruit, boiling water and let it steep for ten minutes. Then drink this infusion before going to bed. You will go into the next morning more rested and relaxed, without lighting that first cigarette.


Licorice has been used for centuries as a tonic or tonic. It is known for being able to filter the liver and remove toxins from the body. It relaxes and may reduce stress and depression.

Licorice will certainly be helpful in dealing with the withdrawal symptoms. In addition, this plant would also help to prevent the development of skin cancer.

There are no known adverse side effects. However, it is not recommended that diabetic patients use licorice root due to possible interactions with certain medications.

Licorice can be used in different forms:

  • the dried form to prepare infusions.
  • the rhizome itself to chew on.
  • pills and chewing gum that you can find in any health food store.

Quit smoking with ginger

Can Ginger Help You Quit Smoking

Can Ginger Help You Quit Smoking? Ginger is known to have countless healing properties. Ginger especially strengthens and stimulates digestion and can relieve nausea that occurs during withdrawal.

The root can be used in many recipes in the kitchen and also tastes fantastic with lemon in an infusion.

The distinctly strong, fresh taste will help reduce the urge to smoke and like liquorice, this aroma persists in the oral cavity, significantly reducing the urge to light a cigarette.

Noni or Indian mulberry

Noni is a medicinal plant that grows in the tropics, where it is used against a wide variety of diseases and also as a preventative to prevent diseases. As a remedy for smoking, it is best to use the dried form of noni.

Prepare an infusion of the dried leaves to help reduce the withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation. This drink will also stimulate digestion and ensure a better and relaxed night’s sleep.

Start to quit smoking and motivate yourself to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke every day. Schedule a daily exercise moment and watch out for the times when you would normally reach for a cigarette :

  • immediately after getting up
  • with a cup of coffee
  •  during an outing with friends.

Take advantage of these medicinal plants and herbs during these times, which will support your motivation and perseverance to live a healthier life.

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