Properly Emptying The Bowels

In some cultures, talking about going to the big toilet or pressing is still a taboo. However, it is important for health that we do this in the right way. You can learn more about this today in this article.
Emptying the bowels the right way

Throughout history, humans, like other animals, squatted down to rest, work, and empty their bowels.  But how did this evolve into a toilet that now meets our needs? And how can we empty the intestines correctly?

The toilet: a “luxury” object

Since Sir John Harington invented the toilet in 1591, toilet habits have changed forever. Initially, it was considered a “luxury” object. Not everyone had access to a toilet – only the royal family. People with disabilities were also granted access, but only in rare cases.

With the development of plumbing, toilets were produced en masse. Ordinary people thus gained the same “privileges” that were once reserved for the wealthy. In addition, the provision of running water changed the former custom of squatting to the toilet. As a result, our way of emptying the bowels also changed.

Scientific arguments: squatting is better

In 1964 Dr. Henry L. Bockus’s book  Gastroenterology. In it, he came to the conclusion that squatting with the thighs pressed against the abdomen is the necessary position for ideal defecation.

In a similar fashion, Dr. Alexander Kira in his 1966 book “ The Bathroom”  that human nature requires squatting to meet natural needs. Squatting reduces the effort required to empty the bowels.

In addition, there is also the research of Dr. Dov Sikirov, published in 2003. In this study he compared the force used by people sitting and squatting during bowel emptying. The results showed that with the squatting position, the sensation that the bowels had been emptied was satisfactory. The seated position required excessive effort and more time than the squatting position.

What happens when we empty the bowels?

What happens when we empty the bowels

We can define the term “relieving” as the process by which the final product is removed from the digestive system.

During this process, the enteric nervous system and the parasympathetic system trigger different actions. Such actions can, for example, control the accumulation of fecal material in the colon. Or they control the relaxation of the external sphincter and puborectalis muscle. This last muscle provides a rectal alignment so that a pressure is created in the abdomen. This leads to the excretion of the waste.

Emptying the bowels by squatting

To go to the toilet in a squatting position, the following is very important. Your legs should be at a thirty-five degree angle to your body. In those ways, your leg muscles press against your stomach.

This action puts pressure on the inner cavities of the colon. This frees up and aligns the anal canal which is causing the discharge. The result is that the bowels will empty faster, more easily and more thoroughly.

Emptying the bowels by sitting down

Emptying the bowels by sitting down

In this case, sitting down is actually the opposite of squatting. Because in this position, your legs are at a 90-degree angle and the stomach presses against the thighs. This position does not lead to the proper alignment of the rectum and anus.

In addition, there is no pressure through the legs on the colon and abdomen. So the result is that you have to strain and push to empty the bowels.

This attitude leads to various complications such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, hernia and hemorrhoids. In severe cases, it can even cause colorectal or colon cancer.

The benefits of the squatting position when using the toilet

By making this position a habit when you go to the toilet, you will notice the following positive effects:

  • It allows faster and easier discharge of the stool.
  • In addition, it prevents material from passing between the large intestine and the small intestine. This therefore reduces the risk of contamination of the small intestine.
  • It also prevents tension in this area of ​​the body. As a result, hernias, diverticulosis and other problems are avoided.
  • This posture is also part of a non-invasive treatment for hemorrhoids.
  • In pregnant women, this position ensures that there is no pressure on the uterus. Actually, it helps prepare for a natural birth.
  • After all, it also prevents stool from piling up. This condition is one of the main factors in appendicitis and inflammatory bowel disease.

We also have another important note. The toilet position of 90 degrees has been associated with the risk of colon cancer. However, a study by Sahand Sohrabi has shown that this hypothesis is still not conclusive.

How do I apply this information?

Emptying the bowels

Take a look at the design world for toilet furniture. Not many initiatives are considering the squatting position. However, we can also adapt our toilet by using a footstool. It doesn’t have to have a specific height. But it must be high enough so that we can place ourselves in a posture of a thirty-five degree angle.

Some people choose to stand on the toilet and thus position themselves in the correct position. But this can be dangerous. Because the toilet may break or the person may fall. We therefore absolutely do not recommend emptying the bowel in this way.

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