Running For An Hour Makes You Live Longer

Running not only provides relaxation, but it also improves blood circulation in the body, leading to full-body benefits.
Running for an hour makes you live longer

Exercise is very good for you. No one can deny it. And running in particular is a very good cardio exercise. In addition, an hour of running a day can actually improve and lengthen your life.

What are you waiting for? Get outside and start running!

The benefits of running

Running is fashionable. You probably regularly see people running in the park, on the street and in marathons.

What you may not have known, however, is that running can increase your life expectancy. And, according to a study published in the US National Institutes of Health,  runners have a 25-40% lower risk of premature death.

The study claims that an hour of running a day can add seven years to your life.

If you do the math, someone who walks from Monday to Saturday for a month adds 168 hours to their life, or a week more.

So, if you keep this habit for a year, you’ll live 12 weeks longer. After all, it’s a simple calculation: live one week longer for every month that you walk an hour every day from Monday to Saturday.

If you compare the life expectancy of a runner with someone who doesn’t run, the non-runners live up to three years shorter than runners. And the best part is that it doesn’t matter how fast or how far you walk in that hour.

Now it does not mean that running is the source of eternal youth. We all get old eventually. But it’s good to know that this habit can be good for you in the long run.

Another interesting conclusion from the study is that the benefits of running are not the same as those of cycling or walking.

This is also good for you, but it will not have the same positive effect on your longevity.

Of course, if you want to reap the benefits of running, you need to maintain a healthy, balanced diet and avoid bad habits such as smoking and drinking.

Exercise is good for you in so many ways, and we’re still discovering more. Even if we’re not sure how much each type of movement extends your life expectancy.

It is clear that it all depends on things such as whether you exercise lightly, moderately or intensively, how old you are, your condition, and much more.

What are the benefits of running?

Running for an hour a day

Besides extending your life expectancy (as if that wasn’t enough), running has many other benefits.

From helping you lose weight to improving your stamina and making your body more agile and flexible. These are all benefits of running.

1. It improves your cartilage

Some people think that running is bad for your knees and that the thumping causes your cartilage to wear down, but the truth is that it has the complete opposite effect.

People who run regularly have a much lower risk of developing arthritis in their legs.

2. It improves your hearing

Improves your hearing

It may sound a bit strange, but there is a scientific basis for it.

When you run, blood flows through your body, including your ears. When your ears get the nutrients they need, you can hear better.

3. It raises your pain threshold

People who run several times a week cope better with pain than those who don’t.

Not only pain from injuries to the legs but also in other parts of the body.

Headaches, dental procedures and injections hurt less in people who run.

4. It improves the skin

Improve skin

Running helps you release toxins through sweating. It also forces you to hydrate more as you work hard.

Ideal for healthier, youthful skin.

5. It repairs your muscles

Running is not only good for your cartilage, but also for your muscles. Even today, people think that muscle mass is lost after a certain age.

However, running creates new muscle mass because the movement speeds up the production of cells that carry out this process.

Therefore, it may be linked to a delay in muscle degeneration due to age.

6. It’s relaxing

To sleep

After your run you are tired, but also happy and relaxed.

You come home and sit at home on the couch to watch some television or read, putting your problems, your work and stress aside.

But if you’ve had a long day at work, or if you’re worried about something, it’s best to do moderate or intense exercise.

7. It strengthens the bones

If you exercise at a moderate or high intensity, it increases your bone density.

This reduces the risk of fractures and the dreaded osteoporosis in later years.

Your bones will be stronger and firmer if you run for an hour a day.

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