Seven Foods You Should Not Eat In The Evening

Some foods can cause digestive problems at night and prevent you from falling asleep. If you still want to eat them, eat them at a different time of the day.
Seven foods you shouldn't eat at night

Today we want to talk about seven foods that you should not eat in the evening.

Eating the wrong foods at night keeps our bodies from doing what it’s supposed to do at night. It causes changes in the activity of certain hormones, putting us at greater risk for sleep disturbances and digestive problems.

The foods you eat for dinner play an important role in the quality of your sleep and the physical and mental energy your body will have for the day ahead.

However, many people make wrong choices when it comes to the foods they eat at this meal. The result is overload on their bodies.

It is therefore extremely important to learn which foods you should not eat in the evening and to find light, healthy alternatives for dinner to replace them.

Here they come!

Foods you should not eat at night

1. Red meat

Red meat

Red meat is full of protein and fat that makes your digestive system work harder.

Although you can consume it in moderation, it is best to avoid red meat in the evening to avoid interruptions in your sleep.


  • Eat modest portions of red meat, preferably at lunch.
  • Try to find good quality meats and avoid eating meats with a lot of fat.

2. Broccoli

This green vegetable is low in calories and packed with essential nutrients that keep your body healthy and in shape.

However, it is not advisable to eat broccoli in the evening, because the sulfur and fiber it contains are more difficult to digest.

They can increase the production of gases in your intestines and cause stomach problems at night.


  • Eat your broccoli for lunch instead.
  • Eat it raw or steamed for the most benefits.

3. Cheese

Different cheeses

Cheese is also on our list of foods not to eat in the evening, because of the reactions it causes in your body.

Cheese contains an amino acid known as tyramine, which is absorbed by your body and reduces the production of hormones that regulate sleep.

The food can also cause a mild inflammatory reaction that can lead to digestive upset or headaches.


  • Avoid consuming cheese (in any form) with dinner.
  • Instead of cheese, opt for milk or yogurt, these dairy products contain tryptophan and help you fall asleep.

4. Sausage and cold cuts

Always try to limit your consumption of processed meats, as they contain a lot of fat and additives that can be harmful if eaten in excess.

Avoid eating these foods at night, as they are bad for your digestive system and can cause problems like acid reflux.


  • If you want to eat sausage and cold cuts, have it with your breakfast or lunch.
  • Eat them only occasionally, and along with healthy foods such as whole wheat bread and vegetables.

5. Sweets

Table full of sweets

Any candies or sweets that contain refined sugar can affect your sleep, especially if you consume them right before bedtime.

They raise your blood sugar and because they are not used as an energy source, they may slow down your metabolism.

Also, the effect they have on your brain can exacerbate stress and cause nightmares.


Limit your daily consumption of sugar and avoid it completely in the evening.

6. Spicy sauces

They taste great and pair well with all kinds of foods. But if you eat them in the evening, they can alter your stomach’s production of acids, causing irritation and heartburn.

This, plus the fact that they are often high in calories, is a reason to eat them in moderation, and at other times of the day.


  • Limit your consumption of spicy sauces.
  • Try making your sauces yourself to reduce your consumption of additives.

7. Carbonated Drinks

Glass of Coke

Over time, drinking carbonated drinks can affect your metabolism.

The problem is made worse if you drink them in the evening because they raise your blood sugar and can cause sleep problems.

The compounds they contain irritate your stomach and worsen symptoms such as inflammation and acid reflux.


  • Replace carbonated drinks with water and tea.
  • If you do drink them, do it occasionally and during the day.

Do you often eat these foods for dinner? Now that you know the problems they can cause, try to avoid them.

Instead, eat a good, light, and healthy meal, but never skip this one.

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