Smoothie To Regulate Your Gut

Fiber-rich foods are good for regulating your gut, but don’t forget to increase your fluid intake as well. This helps against constipation.
Smoothie to regulate your gut

In this article you can read how to make a delicious smoothie from plum, chia and apple to regulate your gut. Many people need to maintain their bowel function properly to avoid problems such as:

  • constipation
  • poor intestinal absorption
  • frequent diarrhea
  • a gastrointestinal condition from which they have yet to recover

The best way to do this is through a proper diet and using natural supplements.

Taking care of your gut is important

The gut is an organ that must function optimally. Chronic diseases can affect this organ and can be the cause of many long-term medical problems. Efficient intestinal treatments and a balanced diet are of great importance to prevent this.

A healthy diet consists of fresh foods rich in natural fiber, such as:

  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • legumes
  • cereals
  • nuts
  • seeds

Try adding these ingredients to all your meals.

Healthy foods to regulate your gut

There are three foods that are very good for regulating your gut and we will discuss them below.



Plums are packed with good nutrients. You can eat this superfood every day. The reasons why prunes are so good for you:

  • Combat constipation thanks to high amount of fiber.
  • Relieve intestinal problems, such as hemorrhoids or diverticula.
  • Contain high antioxidant properties that protect you from premature aging and free radicals.
  • Rich in natural sugars and provide a lot of energy.
  • Work blood pressure lowering.
  • Help prevent osteoporosis  thanks to their high mineral content.
  • Help you lose inches around your waist.
  • Can help prevent anemia as they are rich in iron.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are very healthy. When you soak them, the seeds release a viscous substance, a type of soluble fiber. They do an excellent job of clearing and regulating your bowels.

Other healthy properties of chia include:

  • They lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • They are a great source of plant-based protein, which will boost your energy levels and stamina.
  • Chia seeds provide a very satiating effect that can help you eat less when you’re trying to lose weight.
  • They are a good source of antioxidants.
  • They are a good source of calcium, a mineral that strengthens teeth and bones.



Apples are very healthy and great for gut function as they are full of pectin. They can help with both constipation and diarrhea. They improve overall digestion. The English saying goes: an apple every day, keeps the doctor away.

In addition, apples have other good qualities. Apples:

  • Cleanse your body to remove toxins.
  • Alkalize your body.
  • Reduce cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • Prevent aging.
  • Keep your teeth and gums clean.
  • Reduce uric acid in your body.

Smoothie of plum, chia and apple to regulate your intestines


  • 200ml water
  • 4 plums
  • 14 g chia seeds
  • 1 organic apple with skin

If you do not use an organic apple, it is recommended to peel the apple. If the apple is organic, you can leave the skin on. This will provide extra fiber.


Follow these steps to prepare this gut-regulating smoothie:

  • Soak the plums and chia seeds overnight in a glass of water.
  • The next morning, pit the prunes and mix with the chia.
  • Add the apple, without seeds, and mix for 1 minute.
  • The apple and plum give the smoothie a natural sweetness, but if you want you can sweeten it with stevia or natural raw honey.

How to drink

You can drink this smoothie at any time of the day, but the best time is in the morning to regulate your gut.

  • Drink it as soon as you wake up and at least half an hour before breakfast.
  • You can also drink it daily for a few weeks in a row as a treatment for your gut.



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