Spanish Orange Flan Recipes

In this article, we’ll show you a series of methods to make a delicious orange flan. This will be a success at your dining table and will delight all your guests.
Recipes for a Spanish orange flan

Did you know that you can make a Spanish orange flan in different ways? Well, you can and it’s very easy. You don’t need many ingredients and you can get started with the utensils you have in the kitchen.

The steps are also very easy to follow, so there’s no excuse not to give yourself the chance to make this delicious dessert that will please the taste buds.

By following these instructions, you can bring a delicious Spanish orange flan to life in minutes. Are you ready to get started? Let’s start!

As the EcuRed Encyclopedia points out, Spanish orange flan is a dessert whose preparation is very similar to that of a classic Spanish egg flan (similar to crème caramel), but with the citrus flavor of oranges. However, they also point out that other citrus fruits such as mandarins or clementines can also be used.

In any case, it is a perfect dessert to enjoy with your family on special occasions. Its main ingredient, orange, is rich in vitamins A, C and E, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants that benefit health, according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

It also contains milk, which, according to a publication in Food & Nutrition Research, helps meet our body’s nutritional needs. However, we should point out that like any dessert, it contains sugar and fat and should be consumed in moderation.

In fact, we recommend that you consult your nutritionist first, as these types of desserts are not suitable for all types of diets. However, if you are healthy and eat well, you can probably enjoy it without any problems. Here’s the recipe!

Classic recipe for a delicious Spanish orange flan

To make this first version of a delicious Spanish orange flan, you will need the following ingredients to make four servings. You will already have most of it at home.

  • 4 eggs
  • 2 oranges
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 8 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon of orange blossom water (10 ml).

How to make the caramel

  • The first step to make this dessert is to prepare the caramel. To do this, you need to heat the water with half the sugar over a low heat.
  • Then add the lemon juice and stir well so that the sugar dissolves well.

Making the flan in the oven

Oranges and their peel
  • When the sugar has dissolved, stop stirring and keep the pan on the stove. After a few minutes, the water will start to darken a bit.
  • When it has turned golden and the surface is firm, the caramel is ready. Now you can spread it over the walls of the mold in which you are going to make the flan.
  • To continue making this delicious orange flan, squeeze the oranges to get as much juice as possible, then blend it together with the rest of the ingredients in your blender. Blend the ingredients on high speed for a few minutes to get a uniform mixture.
  • When the mixture is well whipped and frothy, pour it into the mold on top of the caramel and cook it over a bain marie in the oven. Use a deep container half filled with water and place the cake tin on top. You can also use a well-covered pressure cooker.
  • Cook the flan at 200 ºC, making sure the heat is on at the top and bottom. Bake the flan for half an hour, then pierce it with a skewer to check the texture and see if it is cooked through. Finally, remove the mold from the oven and let it cool before serving in bowls or plates.

Making the flan in the microwave

  • Alternatively, if you don’t have an oven or don’t want to use it, you can make this recipe in the microwave. To do this you need to use a microwave safe Bundt mold and spread the caramel in it before pouring in the rest of the ingredients as in the recipe above.
  • Cook the flan by placing the mixture in the microwave on medium power for 10 minutes. Then leave it in the microwave for a few more minutes. Then turn it on again for three minutes, this time on high power.
    At this point it should be almost done. However, if you see that the mixture is still a little runny, you can cook it for a minute at a time. Let it stand for a minute in between, until it is cooked through and has the right texture and consistency.

How to make a thick orange syrup

Pile of orange peels

To enhance the orange flavor in the Spanish flan, you can make the recipe a bit more complicated. You can make an orange syrup from the peels.

  • The first step for this is before you juice the oranges, cut the orange peel into thin strips by grating it with a thick grater. These strips should come from the most orange part of the fruit, so try to remove any white, bitter parts.
  • When they’re done, cook them in a pot of water and when it boils, remove the water to prevent it from getting too bitter an orange taste. Then add four tablespoons of sugar and another four water and let it heat again until it boils.
  • Let it cook for 5 to 10 minutes, watching to see if it forms a thick syrupy sauce. If so, turn off the heat and remove the pan.
  • As a final addition , you can add a few fine slices of orange without the peel to accentuate the flavor while the mixture cools.


With these guidelines you can make this delicious orange flan, which you can finish on the plate with a few orange zest strips or orange slices. Why not try this delicious healthy orange based recipe?

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