Support The Treatment Of Type 2 Diabetes With These 7 Spices

There are a number of natural spices that can help treat type 2 diabetes. Did you know? These spices can stabilize your blood sugar and improve type 2 diabetes. However, you should never use them as a substitute for treatment your doctor prescribes.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes.

This disease is characterized by high blood sugar. This happens when your body does not produce enough insulin or when insulin is not properly processed by the body. This keeps the glucose in your blood, instead of burning the sugar and converting it into energy.

To prevent this form of diabetes, it is recommended to exercise and follow a healthy diet. However, if you want to take it a step further, you can also learn how to use certain spices that help treat type 2 diabetes.

However, remember that no spice can replace medical treatment. The spices can provide your body with some extra help, but you should not ignore medical advice.

7 Spices For Treating Type 2 Diabetes

1. Turmeric

We want to talk about turmeric first. Turmeric is valued in Ayurvedic medicine for its numerous health benefits.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is recommended in arthritis and cardiovascular disease.

The active ingredient is curcumin. This element helps to lower blood sugar levels.

All you have to do is eat a little turmeric every day. In this way you support the lowering of the glucose level and prevent the further development of diabetes.

2. Ginger

Ginger is another spice that can help with type 2 diabetes. We know ginger for its ability to relieve both colds and digestive problems.

In recent years, studies have also been conducted that have examined the properties of this root more thoroughly. Several studies have shown that ginger helps in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

How can you enjoy the positive effects of ginger? A good way is this: take half a teaspoon (2 g) of ground ginger every day on an empty stomach without any other food. Do this for eight weeks.

Since ginger is anti-inflammatory, it can also help reduce inflammation in the body. We are talking here about the inflammation, which can lead to eye problems in diabetic patients.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon reduces the absorption of glucose after eating. That is why it can help lower blood sugar levels. In addition, it helps to lower cholesterol.

  • There are two main types of cinnamon. Cassia is most effective at lowering glucose, but be careful, as taking this variety over a long period of time can cause liver damage.
  • To avoid these side effects, we recommend that you use Ceylon cinnamon if you plan to take it on a daily basis.
  • Another way is to use Cassia cinnamon once or twice a week.

4. Black curry

Black curry is another effective spice to treat type 2 diabetes.

The seeds help with:

  • Decrease the lipids in your blood.
  • Fighting inflammation and bacteria.
  • Protect the heart and liver.

When you use black curry, your blood sugar level can drop by up to fifty percent (depending on the values).

5. Aloe Vera

This plant is good for you in many different ways. It soothes sunburn, heals wounds and protects hair from UV rays. Aloe vera also helps to lose weight and to treat type 2 diabetes.

  • Aloe vera lowers elevated blood sugar levels.
  • How can you enjoy the positive effects of this plant? We recommend taking a small amount of aloe vera juice daily.
  • You can add it to smoothies, but you can also make a refreshing drink with cucumber, lemon and aloe vera.

6. Berberine

Berberine is an extract of a less well – known plant. However, it can be a remarkable tool to treat diabetes. Examples of the effects are: lowering the level of lipids and sugar in your blood. It also reduces inflammation.

However, you should be careful when taking berberine. After all, excessive amounts of berberine can have side effects. The most serious are stomach pain and flatulence.

If you want to use this herb, we recommend trying it out first. Use it for a week and see how your body tolerates it and if you experience any side effects.

7. Blueberry Leaves

We’ve already told you how eating berries helps prevent type 2 diabetes. Another option is to use the blueberry leaves in the form of tea.

In this way you will see great results. After drinking the tea you notice how, among other things, the blood sugar level drops and how the dangerous glucose peaks decrease in number.

What do you need for this tea?

  • 1 liter of water
  • 10 blueberry leaves

How do you prepare it?

  • Boil the water first. Once it reaches the boiling point, add the blueberry leaves.
  • Let it steep for ten minutes and then remove it from the heat.
  • You can then consume the tea in different ways: as a tea or in a smoothie, or as your daily water replacement.
  • Try not to add any kind of sweetener. 

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