Tea That Fights Digestive Problems

Do you suffer from painful digestion or constipation? Drinking this tea can help! Drink a few cups of this natural tea daily and improve your digestion.
Tea that fights digestive problems

Digestive problems  arise because food is not digested properly. However, this should not be confused with an upset stomach. These occur sporadically and are short-lived. In this article we give you information about which tea works best against digestive problems. Reap the benefits of these natural teas that battle digestive problems. 

Why do we have digestive problems?


There are many reasons why we might suffer from digestive problems. Among the most common are these:

Diseases of the digestive tract

One of the main causes is ulcers in your stomach, but this is not the only cause. It can also be caused by gallstones, gastritis, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer or acid reflux.

When you suffer from acid reflux, stomach acid damages the lining of your stomach and esophagus. This makes you more vulnerable to pain after eating.

Eating habits

You’ve probably heard of the saying “you are what you eat”. This is absolutely true.

Several foods increase the risk of digestive problems. These foods occur in an unbalanced diet with excess fat and heavy products.

At the same time, there are several causes of digestive problems. Think of eating too fast, snacking between meals, eating too many vegetables, drinking coffee and chewing gum.

Another possible cause is an intolerance to certain foods. One of the best-known problems in this group is lactose intolerance.

Another problem is when you eat hot soup while drinking cold water. This is not good for the stomach.

Medicines and toxic substances

abdominal cramp

Medications can also have an effect on your digestion. Some antibiotics and other strong drugs, such as antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids, can also leave us with these problems. We should also avoid toxic substances such as tobacco.

Psychological problems

Stress, nervousness, anxiety or personal issues can all have an impact on your digestive system as well. This can make us feel less good when we are angry or sad.

These teas fight digestive problems

One of the remedies our grandmothers used when our stomachs hurt or when we were struggling with digestive problems was to give us a cup of tea.

Believe it or not, Grandma knew what she was doing. Some teas can reduce digestive problems. Here are some of the best:

Green tea

There are many reasons to drink this tea. Largely are related to digestion.

For starters, you should know that green tea is a good substitute for coffee. You can drink the drink cold or warm, depending on the time of year or what you prefer.

Green tea is high in antioxidants that improve gastric juice production and digestion. If this isn’t enough, it also has the ability to reduce intestinal gas and inflammation.

You can drink a cup of green tea in the morning, afternoon and before bedtime. You can find green tea bags as well as loose leaves.

Chamomile with anise

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is considered an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory herb. It can also help ease your stomach pain, reduce heaviness, and get rid of gases.

Because chamomile is a calming plant, it works very well when digestive problems are caused by nervousness and anxiety. Chamomile is also very tasty!

Drink two cups daily and you will notice the results.


Dill comes from regions around the Mediterranean and is also used in cooking. This herb has therapeutic benefits that are worth exploring.



Fennel is also used for cooking and can help us solve digestive problems. The herb reduces swelling, treats cramps and fights other stomach problems. It also makes us feel full.

This plant has one of the mildest flavors. It is often combined with cumin and anise.

Drink fennel tea when you experience the first symptoms. 


If you suffer from severe stomach or intestinal pain, try yarrow tea. Yarrow contains high amounts of flavonoids. These can help aid digestion.

You can also use it to treat nausea and heartburn. It has diuretic properties and stimulates your liver.

You can find this in health food stores. Make tea from the plant and drink it daily. This way you can enjoy all the benefits.


This herb has been used for centuries to help with digestive problems. It offers great relief when you suffer from diarrhea, cramps, gas and vomiting. 

It is recommended to drink this tea in the evening, before going to sleep. This tea also helps to prevent nightmares and insomnia.

Other plants that can help relieve digestive issues include dong quai, anise, lemon balm, rooibos, and marjoram.

However, remember that if you have serious problems it is always better to seek the advice of a doctor!

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