Ten Easy Ways To Support Your Liver

Artichokes and the water you cook artichokes in are great ways to cleanse your liver and reduce the number of fat cells, which can seriously impair liver function.
Ten easy ways to support your liver

Why would it be wise to support your liver? The liver is seen as a perfect laboratory that is able to perform all kinds of functions that are important to maintain your health and well-being.

The liver cleanses your body of toxins and dead cells. In addition, it processes fat, carbohydrates and proteins. It purifies your blood and stores vital vitamins that your body desperately needs.

As you can see, your liver does a lot for you, leaving you wondering what you could do for your liver. What healthy habits can I teach myself? How can I take care of my liver?

In any case, don’t worry. In this article, we’ll show you what small changes you could make to support your liver. So pay attention.

1. Chicory Root Tea

Chicory root has been used for centuries to purify the liver. A variety of therapeutic uses are attributed to it.  But its main property is its ability to purify blood and support the liver.

It is a natural remedy that can be used as a good adjunct to treatments intended to counteract gallstones and cure jaundice. In addition, it can help treat constipation and relieve headaches.

It is best to drink this tea with breakfast or after dinner.

2. Artichokes

If there is one vegetable that is really perfect for combating liver problems, it is the artichoke. For example, if you suffer from fatty liver, it would be wise to eat artichokes regularly.

This vegetable can ensure that less fat remains in your liver and that liver tissue is repaired, reducing the risk of cirrhosis.

You can eat cooked artichoke with a little drizzle of olive oil on top or drink the water you cooked the artichokes in, mixed with a little lemon juice. This is a great remedy.

3. Dandelion and mint tea

mint tea

An article published in the journal Global Healing Center  states that we should think of the liver as the filter in an aquarium. If there is too much dirt and toxins in this filter, the whole aquarium will become polluted and the fish that swim in it will get sick.

The same thing happens in our liver. That is why  we must ensure that our liver is supplied with everything it needs to continue to filter our body properly.

One way to achieve this is to make a tea from five grams of dandelion and five grams of mint. Thanks to the properties these herbs have, we can use them to break down fat in the liver, promote bile secretion, remove toxins and improve digestion.

In short, don’t hesitate to give this simple remedy a try.

4. Say ‘yes’ to beet juice to support your liver

Beets are tubers that have an attractive deep red color and a fresh, earthy taste. Plus, beets are full of nutrients that are good for your liver. They ensure that your liver becomes stronger and will be better able to regenerate and purify itself.

For example, use beets to make a tasty smoothie and drink it two to three times a week. To do this, mix the beets with a glass of water and half an apple. Your body will thank you very much.

5. Eat garlic on an empty stomach for your liver


Eating a clove of garlic every morning on an empty stomach and washing it down with a glass of water will help your body get used to removing toxins from the start of the day.

This natural antibiotic is rich in allicin and selenium, two essential components that strengthen the liver. So it is more than worth it to consume garlic regularly!

6. Your liver loves lemon

This important and versatile organ needs vitamin C on a daily basis. Your body cannot make or synthesize this vitamin on its own. It is a vitamin that we can only get through food. That’s why it’s a good idea to drink lemon juice every day.

Simply mix the juice of half a lemon with a glass of warm water and drink it. In addition, we recommend adding three grams of baking soda to this mixture at least once a week. Thanks to the amazing properties these ingredients have, you get an alkaline drink that is great for your liver. As you can see, it doesn’t have to be difficult to support your liver!

7. A cup of white tea every day

White Tea

This natural drink is rich in antioxidants, even richer than green tea. So take a look at your local health food store to see if they happen to have white tea. Try to choose the purest form, which is silvery in color.

White tea is good for your liver and health in general and you will undoubtedly benefit from drinking this tea daily.

8. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle improves digestion and prevents toxins from building up in your liver and instead improves the elimination of these toxins. In addition, milk thistle promotes bile production and improves the basic functions of the liver.

Milk thistle is available at health food stores and some pharmacies. It is often sold in the form of capsules or tea bags.

9. Go green


Your diet should include plenty of  cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and kale. It is also wise to prepare rich salads with bitter leafy vegetables, which are also good for the liver, such as:

  • Watercress
  • arugula
  • Spinach
  • Endive
  • radishes
  • Parsley

The bitter taste is a clear sign that these foods are good for your liver, as the bitter taste means these vegetables contain phytonutrients that help clear the body of toxins.

In addition, these vegetables can help control your cholesterol levels, balance your hormones, process fat and purify your blood. They are truly fantastic!

10. Fancy a walk?

Taking a walk every day is a great way to support your liver. First , walking oxygenates your blood, improves heart health, and promotes the elimination of fats and toxins.

Sweating a little, getting your muscles moving, and getting your heart rate up can do a lot more good for your body than you might think, while also being good for your liver.

Put these tips into practice today! 

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