Ten Immediate Effects Of Alcohol On The Body

Although an occasional glass of wine can be good for you, an excess of alcohol is very harmful to your body. Learn how alcohol affects your body in this article.
Ten Immediate Effects Of Alcohol On The Body

Alcoholic drinks have inevitably come to play an important role in social occasions where there is something to celebrate. But do you know what the effects of alcohol are on your body?

Adults of all ages like a glass every now and then. However, it is increasingly common for young people to start drinking alcohol at a very young age.

There are plenty of warnings about the negative effects of alcohol on your health. Yet many people still drink way too much and way too often.

Some people may be a little better able to suppress their cravings for alcohol. But others become addicted to it and become dependent on the effect alcohol has on them.

What is particularly worrying is that alcohol cannot be regulated appropriately because of certain economic and social interests.

What are the effects of alcohol on your body?

Everyone should become more aware of the consequences that drinking alcohol can have. Everyone should learn to stick to the amount appropriate for their health.

We don’t often think about the immediate effects of alcohol on the body. That is why we have chosen to discuss these effects in detail in this article.

1. Alcohol causes spikes in blood sugar

Immediate effects of alcohol on your blood sugar

Just after you consume alcohol, your blood sugar will either rise or fall significantly. This physical reaction can make you feel weak or experience dizziness and disorientation.

It doesn’t take long for the toxins in alcohol to enter your bloodstream. Therefore, it does not take long before these toxins start to affect the various systems of your body, including your heart.

2. Red skin

Effects of alcohol on your skin

Another effect alcohol has on circulation is that it causes the veins to dilate and your skin to become visibly redder. Some people even experience very marked changes in their body temperature and start sweating spontaneously.

3. Disturbances in your heart rhythm

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause your heart rate to speed up and your heart activity to increase.

4. Blurred vision

Vision problems are the main effects experienced by people who are unable to moderate their alcohol consumption.

Toxins travel through your blood and cause your vision to deteriorate. You start to see blurry. This reaction is very dangerous, not only because it can negatively affect your eyesight in the long run, but also because it increases the risk of accidents.

5. Lack of coordination

Effects of alcohol on your coordination

Also, one of the effects of alcohol in someone who has drunk way too much alcohol is that they have trouble controlling their coordination. His body is not only weak; he also loses his balance and his reflexes slow down. This increases the chance of falling or experiencing more serious accidents.

It is also important to know that alcohol affects a person’s inhibitions, on his ability to exercise self-control.

6. Digestive Problems

Alcohol affects the natural pH value of the stomach. For example, it can cause the stomach lining to become irritated and inflamed, as the stomach wall has the job of protecting the stomach from acidic gastric juices. As a result, problems such as gastritis and reflux can arise.

In the long run, it can also lead to some even more serious complications, such as duodenal ulcers, stomach cancer, or esophageal cancer.

7. Dehydration

Effects of alcohol on body such as dehydration

Your kidneys are the organs that suffer the most when you fill your body with an excess of alcohol.

Your kidneys have to try to expel all those toxins from your body through your urine. As a result, they can quickly become overworked. This can cause you to lose not only toxins, but also fluids and mineral salts that your body needs to stay hydrated.

8. Headache

Large amounts of toxins and the difficulty your metabolism has to process the alcohol are the two main reasons why you experience headaches after drinking a lot of alcohol.

It is common for people to experience tense muscles and severe pain, such as migraines, a few hours after consuming alcohol.

9. Vomiting

Effects of alcohol on your body such as vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are two of the most common effects of drinking too much or drinking too much alcoholic beverages. This reaction is accompanied by:

  • unpleasant digestive problems
  • dizziness
  • difficulty keeping balance

Some people are unable to tolerate even moderate amounts of alcohol. They immediately suffer from this annoying symptom.

10. Liver Problems

It is mainly your liver that has the task of processing the substances that alcohol contains. As a result, excessive alcohol consumption directly affects this organ and can cause serious problems with liver function.

If you regularly and uncontrollably poison yourself with alcohol, your liver will become more and more fibrous. As a result, you can develop a condition known as liver cirrhosis.

As you can see, it is never wise to drink too much alcohol. While it’s okay to drink a glass every now and then, it’s obviously best to learn to control your alcohol consumption.

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