The 15 Best Natural Diuretics

Do you often suffer from a swollen feeling because your body retains moisture? Then these natural diuretics may be of use.
The 15 Best Natural Diuretics

If you have a problem with fluid retention and have already tried several remedies that have not had the desired effect, you might want to try the benefits of natural diuretics.

Natural diuretics are also an excellent option for those on a special diet. Win the fight against fluid retention, lose weight and get rid of what your body is holding onto unnecessarily.

Learn about the best natural diuretics.

What is fluid retention?

Its scientific name is edema and it is the accumulation of fluids in the tissues. It is not an isolated disease. It is a clinical symptom for other conditions, such as those related to the kidneys, heart, or digestive system.

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in, for example, the abdomen, wrists and ankles. If severe enough, the amount of fluid can cause other disturbances in various bodily functions.

Natural diuretics for swollen feet

The swelling usually occurs in the feet and legs. This is especially common in pregnant women and people who are overweight. It usually doesn’t cause other painful symptoms, and warm skin isn’t common either. Pressing the affected areas leaves clear marks.

It can be caused by problems with the liver, kidneys and heart, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland and lack of vitamins.

What are the best natural diuretics?


Watermelon contains large amounts of water, making it one of the best natural diuretics. In addition, it also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that enables the body to protect itself against free radicals.

The amino acids in watermelon widen the veins and fluid flow better, drawing fluids held by tissues with it. It is also alkaline, detoxifying and provides minerals. It promotes good gut health and removes toxins from the body.


Tomatoes consist of 90% water and contain various antioxidants (vitamin C, selenium, beta-carotene and lycopene). It prevents free radical damage to the walls of blood vessels, which can cause inflammation.

Tomatoes are good natural diuretics


This vegetable contains a lot of water and is therefore an excellent natural diuretic. It also contains sulfur and silicon, two components that help the kidneys eliminate uric acid. This helps the body to reduce fluid retention.

As if that weren’t enough, it also contains ascorbic and caffeic acid, which enhance its diuretic effect. Finally, it is also an excellent source of potassium, which prevents cramps in the limbs.

blueberry juice

You can also eat blueberries like this, but it is better to squeeze the juice yourself or buy the juice. It is very good at treating urinary tract infections. It is also a diuretic, which breaks down potassium while helping to eliminate fluids.

It is a powerful antibiotic and keeps the bladder healthy. It is also perfect for diabetics.


This vegetable provides the body with a large amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, making it very high on our list of natural diuretics. It also detoxifies the body, speeds up metabolism and slows down vision problems related to lack of lubrication.

Diced carrots


Eggplant contains a large amount of water and flavonoids and therefore it not only eliminates residual moisture in the body, but also promotes circulation. We recommend drinking the eggplant juice after cooking it or consuming it grated for weight loss.


It promotes the functioning of the kidneys thanks to the caffeic acid and the flavonoids. In addition, it also possesses vitamins and minerals that have a diuretic effect. Cynarin promotes the flow of bile, which helps to eliminate retained fluid.


More specifically, the seeds of this vegetable, as they increase the secretion of uric acid, while at the same time increasing the production of urine. This helps to detoxify the body.

You have to remember that celery is high in sodium, but this is counteracted by the amount of potassium, which is also high, but not harmful.


Grapes contain a large amount of concentrated water and potassium, making them a potent natural diuretic. They are also fairly low in sodium, making them a perfect fruit for eliminating toxins from the body through urine.

Grapes are very good natural diuretics


Asparagus contains asparagine, making it both a low-calorie food and an amino acid with strong diuretic capabilities. It also treats pain caused by rheumatism, fluid retention (due to premenstrual syndrome) and arthritis.

Thanks to the amount of fiber it contains, it cleanses the intestines in an effective way.


It improves the taste of salad, while at the same time aiding urinary excretion, thanks to the high amount of water it contains. It contains iron and magnesium, two minerals that help to empty fat cells.

Green tea

Green tea as a natural diuretic

It is often used in weight loss diets because it eliminates fat through the urine. We recommend not drinking more than four cups a day as it contains caffeine.


Oatmeal is perfect for breakfast because of the energy it provides, in addition to the silicon, which is one of the best natural diuretics.


This herb has fairly mild diuretic properties, but washes toxins from the kidneys. It is best to consume it raw and sliced.


beetroot juice

Beets promote the functioning of the kidneys and liver. They also contain iron, which cleanses the arteries of plaque.

Photos courtesy of Keirsten Marie, Richard Riley, Corey Burger, robinmcnicoll, tribp and Market Manager.

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